One of the most common requests we get is for ?canned? drip marketing campaigns.
?What should I send to ?leads? after they opt in, in order to get them to respond.?
Good Question!
Great Question!
In fact as much 80% or more of your money might be made in the way you follow up with your leads.
The biggest rule is ths: If you follow up consistently, You WIN!
But here?s the problem.
If you?re like most real estate agents you?re handling you?re lead follow up in one of the following ways.
- You?re doing an initial follow up call or email, and when you don?t get a response you forget about the lead
- You?re letting a canned drip email service, or something tied to your company website do the follow up ? which is just signaling to your ?lead? that you?re no different then the rest of the agents out there.
- You?re generating a bunch of leads, and you plan to build a follow up email sequence eventually, but really you?re never going to get around to it? right?
All of the above are problematic for any number of reasons.
The first leaves 80% of the money on the table.
The second is a little better, but still you?re that annoying guy sending those ?shiny looking emails? that scream ?I want to sell you something? ? and that?s not good.
And the 3rd? well, it?s not your fault. Procrastination is just human nature right?
So, here?s a ?Stupid Simple? way to conduct your Follow Up Marketing
Here are some examples:
- When you get a lead add it to your Google or Outlook Calendar with as a recurring weekly appointment to call or email
- Set up your drip campaign to always send the same email, over and over again? until they unsubscribe.
I actually love #2, because it?s failproof.
No matter what, when someone opts in for your stuff they?re going to keep getting the ?stuff? over and over again.
Which is great, because if they were interested in it at the moment they ?opted? in, then they?ll probably be interested again at some point, and when they?re ready they?ll respond to your email?
Does this make sense?
Doesn?t matter if it does.
All you need to know, is that it works.
Which is why we?ve built it into our New ?ReTechubator? system.
Anyone who opts into the info being offered on a Retechubator squeeze page gets an email like this from you every 4 days:
SUBJECT: "Whatever You Opted In For BODY: Hi, Here's the current link for "Whatever You Opted In For": Thanks, -Agent
Every 4 days, until they reply and start working with you? or they click the unsubscribe button.
Stupid Simple.
Follow Up.
Can you see doing the same thing with your leads? If yes, just visit ReTechulous.Com to get your hands on the ReTechubator today?
BONUS: If you want to see it in action?
If you want to see the Retechubator in action, and experience the follow up sequence first hand simply click the link below the Dancing Zebra to get started. [Yeah, the Retechubator creates crazy highly clickable image ads like the one below for you too! ]

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