Monday, July 30, 2012

Why Every Internet Business Should Start Online Video Marketing ...


There are several reasons why you should not wait to start online video marketing as part of your information marketing business and the two that are about to be revealed to you should make you wonder why you have not started before now. The use of online video is growing fast and you can?t afford to be left behind.

One of the top reasons to undertake online video marketing is that it brings in free targeted traffic to your website and blog. The content of a video can take various forms such as talking about and illustrating a marketing tip or strategy or perhaps introduce the benefits of a product or service that you are recommending. As soon as a video is uploaded, it is indexed by the search engines quickly and will start to generate targeted traffic. Remember that this is free, targeted traffic straight to exactly where you want it, whether that is a landing page, sales page, article page or home page.

The important factor to ensure the majority of traffic is targeted is to focus on using just one keyword or keyword phrase for the subject of the video. This keyword phrase should also be in the title, description and keyword tags when you use such platforms as YouTube. When someone then searches for information using the keyword or phrase that you have focused upon, there will be a good chance that your online video will appear in the search results. This person can view you video and could then click on the link provided to go to your website or blog for further information.

The second reason that you should not wait to start online video marketing is that video has the potential to go viral across the internet and your video can be hosted on all sorts of places. As long as you have tightly defined the keyword phrase used, other online platforms seeking content based upon such keywords and phrases will often accept such content. This then creates yet more potential free targeted traffic to wherever you have directed it to.

As long as online video is part of a wider marketing strategy where your website and blog is filled with valuable content and you are increasing the amount of links pointing back to them, the videos will have a better chance of appearing higher up in the search engine results. And the great benefit of making online videos is that there is a growing trend to search for and consume information through the use of video. By creating new videos filled with content on a regular basis, you will be creating a valuable resource for searchers to find which will in turn create targeted traffic to your website and blog.

The key lesson is just do it, have a go at planning, shooting, editing and uploading videos rather than continually waiting to start online video marketing. You will see initial results in terms of more targeted traffic appear and that will continue long after you have forgotten you even shot the video. The more you do the easier it gets and you will probably surprise yourself how easy the process of making online videos becomes and just how much targeted traffic they have the potential to generate.


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