Saturday, July 21, 2012

Five Reasons to Enroll in Diagnostic Medical Sonography Schools

Diagnostic medical sonography is a procedure utilizing high frequency sound waves or ultrasound to generate visual images of various parts inside the human body including the organs, tissues and blood flow. In medicine, sonography or ultrasound scan is used for examining body parts such as the breasts, abdomen, heart, blood vessels, female reproductive system, and prostate to detect, diagnose and treat vascular disease, heart disease, heart attack, and other internal diseases. If you enjoy working in a health care environment, using advanced technology for treating the human body, providing care for those who need it and keeping up with constantly changing medical technology, sonography may be a good career choice for you. Here are five reasons why you should consider enrolling in a diagnostic medical sonography school.

1. Various Training Programs

Diagnostic medical sonography is usually offered as a flexible program where you can choose various lengths of program to become a qualified sonographer. Commonly, universities and colleges offer associates and bachelor?s degree for formal education in sonography, which will require 3 to 4 years of study. Alternatively, these educational institutions also offer one-year training programs. However, the one-year training is usually only effective for those who are already employed in related medical jobs such as nursing.

2. Career Development Advantage

Sonography has various specialties, such as breast (breast tissues), echocardiography (blood flow of the heart), neurosonology (brain and spinal cord), abdomen (tissues, vessels, and organs of the abdominal cavities), obstetrics/gynecology (female reproductive system), vascular technology (blood flow of peripheral and abdominal blood vessels), and ophthalmology (eye, including muscles and orbital structures). Each specialty is available for training and certification. You may develop your expertise in ultrasound scan by mastering two or more types of specialties.

3. Greater Job Prospects

Based on a job outlook study conducted by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, Employment Projections program, the number of Diagnostic Medical Sonographers is expected to grow by 44% from 2010 to 2020. This rate is much faster compared to other occupations, which averaged growth, by only 14%. Since sonography is available for different specialties, one who is certified in more than one specialty has an even greater career prospect than those with a single certification.

4. Various Choices of Workplace

Ultrasound scan as a career choice has increased significantly these last 20 years. The advancement of technology especially in medical field has brought vast opportunities for sonographers. It is projected that in years to come, qualified sonographers will be needed nationwide, for both the urban and rural areas. Sonography is not only used in big hospitals, diagnostic medical sonography is now also used at other medical institutions such as laboratories, clinics, public health facilities, and even in the offices of private practice physicians. A sonographer can work either in full-time or part-time employment.

5. Salary above Average

Based on the Occupational Employment Statistics from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, diagnostic medical sonographers receive $64,380 as a median annual wage per May 2010, with the lowest annual wage amounting to $44,900 and the highest earning reaching more than $88,490. The median is more than 47% higher than the average of the total annual wage of all occupations in the United States per May 2010, which is $33,840. The salary may vary depending on geographic location, mastered specialties and years of experience.

Becoming a sonographer is a much superb career choice in the advanced medical field of today. Find qualified Diagnostic Medical Sonography Schools from our page.


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