Carly Rae Jepsen is having an exceptionally good year. Her single ?Call Me, Maybe? has been covered, parodied, mashed, lampooned, and lip-synced so many times that I honestly can?t say for sure if I?ve actually seen the original video. The song has become a huge summer hit, and it doesn?t look like the ferver surrounding the tune is going to die down anytime soon. Sadly, with sudden fame often comes unexpected turmoil. In Jepsen?s case, it?s the dreaded sex tape.
A few weeks ago, nude photos began to circulate of Carly Rae Jepsen, snapshots which allegedly featured the singer brandishing her pierced nipples. As it turns out, those photos weren?t real; the images were actually of a 21-year-old Internet model who apparently has no qualms about taking her clothes off in front of the camera on a fairly regular basis. Catastrophe averted, right? Unfortunately, things only got worse from there.
On July 23rd, an alleged sex tape featuring the ?Call Me, Maybe? singer made its way online, prompting the Canadian pop star to address the leak on her Twitter page. ?Crazy morning. Discovered that someone put up a sex tape claiming to be me. Ridiculous,? she explained. ?Obviously not me.? Obviously.
Just when the nude photos and sex tape rumors had started to die down, another rears its ugly head. This time, however, the photos could be real. According to TMZ, the singer?s laptop was hacked not too long ago, and several personal images were taken as a result. As per usual, someone is attempting to shop the images to various websites, though no takers have been announced as of this writing. Authorities, meanwhile, are on the case, and if reports are telling the truth, they even have a suspect already in mind.
Considering the guy who hacked Scarlett Johansson?s phone is facing all sorts of trouble, I?m assuming Carly Rae Jepsen?s electronic intruder will face similar charges for his actions. However, here?s a good rule of thumb to live by: If you don?t want naked photos of yourself leaked onto the Internet, don?t take naked photos of yourself. Easy enough.

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