Monday, February 13, 2012

Cool Business Finance images | Logic and Legal Business

Sunday, February 12th, 2012 | Business Finance

Some cool business finance images:

Social & Policy Innovation in the Obama Admin 1o2
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This panel is about to appear to beed at dissimilar approaches for incorporating innovation the entire from the Obama Administration, including encouraging innovation the entire from an entire discipline with the Department of Education?s Race to the Top; supporting impact investing by the Small Business Administration?s fresh Impact Investment Fund; utilizing social investment as a diplomatic strategy; as well as developing policy frameworks supportive of those broad-ranging endeavors. Members of the Administration from the Department of Education, Small Business Administration, USAID, as well as anothers is about to discuss their work as well as their approaches to innovation as well as engage in Q&A with audience members.

Greg Nelson, Deputy Director, White House Office of Public Engagement
Greg works with the business, non-profit, advocacy, as well as technology communities to engage with the Administration on critical energy, climate, as well as technology issues. Before joining the Obama-Biden Administration, Greg was the CEO as well as co-founder of Green Harvest Technologies (GHT), an applications as well as marketing company that developed a line of "clean as well as green" consumer products utilizing bio-based plastics as well as fibers. Prior to GHT, Greg was the General Manager of the Politics as well as Public Policy division for a non-profit software as well as strategy provider as well as a regionner as well as Managing Director of CTSG, a 75-person technology as well as consulting firm. Greg has asides been a speechwriter, has worked at the U.S. Peace Corps, as well as has been a speaker on technology, business, as well as sustainability at national conferences as well as retreats. Greg received his B.A. in Political Science as well as History from Yale University.


Ellen Kim: Senior Advisor, Office of Investment as well as Innovation, Small Business Administration
Ellen Kim is a Senior Advisor in the Office of Investment as well as Innovation at the Small Business Administration working on various interagency initiatives for high-growth, high-impact little businesses. Prior to her work at the SBA, Ellen was in investment banking at Citigroup in the Municipal Securities Division as well as has worked in management consulting as well as striking out on her own as an independent consultant to various start-ups as well as little businesses, all ofly assisting with finance as well as operations. Ellen holds a B.S. in Economics from MIT as well as an MBA from the Stanford University Graduate School of Business, where she received certificates for Global Management as well as Public Management.

Erin Mote: Chief of Party, Global Broadband as well as Innovations Alliance, USAID
Dr. Erin Mote has close to a decade of experience forging the entireiances with private corporations, NGOs, as well as governments to drive the development of corporate strategies that provide a double bottom line of profit as well as social nice. She has worked with more than fifty Fortune 500 companies, including Diageo, Chevron, UPS, as well as Wal-Mart. In her current capacity as Chief of Party for the USAID Global Broadband as well as Innovators Alliance, she is charged with driving connectivity, mobile solutions, as well as innovation byout USAID?s global development portfoliio. Prior to this role, Erin served in senior positions with CHF international as well as the Coulter Companies afterwards starting her career in her native Arizona as the Director of External as well as Strategic Relations for Arizona State University. She holds a PhD in International Relations from Johns Hopkins SAIS, two masters?one in Russian as well as Eastern European Studies as well as the another in Public Administration?and graduated Phi Beta Kappa from the University of Michigan. She serves in advisory as well as leadership capacities for numerous civic organizations, including the Woodrow Wilson Center for International Scholars, the Clinton Foundation, the Junior League of Washington, as well as NetImpact.

Mark Newberg: Senior Advisor, Office of Policy as well as Strategic Planning, Small Business Administration
Mark Newberg is a Senior Advisor in the Office of Policy as well as Strategic Planning at the US Small Business Administration, where his primary areas of focus include impact investing, innovation, inter-agency initiatives, as well as disaster recovery. Mark previously served as an Advisor to the New Orleans City Council following Hurricane Katrina, where he was tasked with "big-picture policy," green/clean development, intergovernmental relations, as well as multi-sector regionnerships. He has been a columnist for the Huffington Post as well as as well as has advised the occasional start-up company as well. Mark holds a BA in Political Science from Tulane University as well as a JD from Tulane Law School as well as was a Visiting Student at Harvard Law School.

Business Fat Cat
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Image by Vermin Inc
Thanks for the performance bonus Obama, though though I just flushed billions of dollars down the finanical toliet. Whenever I robbed a bank I would be in jail, more than I?m becoming millions for running a bank into the ground. Unregulated Capitalism Rocks!

Another Business School Turkey
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Image by Mike Licht,
Mike Licht,

Tags: business, Cool, Finance, images ?


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