Sunday, January 22, 2012

'Amazing Spider-Man' star Andrew Garfield, producer give new details on the film

'Amazing Spider-Man' star Andrew Garfield says that he 'get into near-death experiences every hour on the hour' during filming

A big question mark lingers above the head of Sony?s upcoming comic book franchise revamping, The Amazing Spider-Man. Fans seem to either love or be very wary of the idea of a fresh start to the Peter Parker story; unlike many of the other reboots/remakes on the horizon, the Webslinger?s tale is especially familiar to moviegoers, seeing how it only unfolded onscreen (in live-action form) for the first time back in 2002.

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Screen Rant had a humble start back in 2003 as a place to rant about some of the dumber stuff related to the movie industry. Since then, the site has grown to cover more and more TV and movie news (and not just the dumb stuff) along with sometimes controversial movie reviews. The goal at Screen Rant is to cover stories and review movies from a middle ground/average person perspective.

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While the basic crux of Spidey?s origin remains intact in Amazing Spider-Man, there are numerous new plot and character elements being incorporated, which were absent from director Sam Raimi?s original Spider-Man movie. But will those new ingredients help to produce a tasty, yet somewhat unfamiliar dish ? or are they just window dressings being added on to create the illusion that this flick is more than just an unimaginative rehash?

The cast and crew of Amazing Spider-Man have (naturally) been keen to emphasize that the film will?bring something genuinely new to the table, be it in the form of vastly different takes on certain characters ? or just a tone that?s more ?realistic? and less reminiscent of a live-action Saturday morning cartoon, a la Raimi?s Spider-Man trilogy.

Case in point: Amazing Spider-Man stars Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone, along with producers Avi Arad and Matthew Tolmach, recently attended a Tokyo-based press conference, to promote the film. While there, they dropped some interesting new tidbits of information concerning the differences between this new flick and the previous Spider-Man movies.

Arad had the following to say, with regards to certain character dynamics in The Amazing Spider-Man:

?In our movie, [Andrew Garfield as Peter Parker] finds his true love.?Gwen Stacy [Emma Stone] was always the true love of Peter Parker? We found a very, very good story about what makes a human being. About what sets their destiny.


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