Tuesday, January 31, 2012

PayPal co-founders fund pro-Paul Super PAC (Reuters)

WASHINGTON (Reuters) ? Co-founders of online U.S. payment service PayPal, now owned by eBay Inc, donated to the Super PAC funding group supporting Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul, the group Endorse Liberty disclosed on Tuesday.

PayPal co-founders Peter Thiel and Luke Nosek and Scott Banister, an early adviser and board member, put their support behind the Endorse Liberty Super PAC, alongside Internet advertising veteran Stephen Oskoui and entrepreneur Jeffrey Harmon, who founded Endorse Liberty in November.

Texas congressman Ron Paul, a libertarian, has been an unconventional candidate for the 2012 Republican presidential nomination, advocating an isolationist brand of foreign policy and a $1 trillion cut in the U.S. government's budget.

"Too often in this country we learn things the hard way ... With its unsustainable deficits, government spending is heading down the same path. Men and women who want freedom and growth should take action. A good place to start is voting for Ron Paul," Thiel said in a statement.

Thiel, a libertarian activist whose $1.5 billion in wealth ranked him 833 on the Forbes top billionaires list last year, became the first outside investor in social networking service Facebook in 2004.

Releasing the donor list before officially filing with the Federal Election Commission, Endorse Liberty founders said they raised $3.9 million to support Paul, who failed to win any of the first three state-by-state Republican nominating contests.

Republicans are voting in the Florida primary on Tuesday. Paul trails frontrunners Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich in most polls in the state, but he is seen as having a better chance in Nevada, which votes next.

Endorse Liberty founders have so far reported spending about $3.3 million promoting Paul by setting up two YouTube channels, constantly buying ads from Google and Facebook and StumbleUpon and building up a presence on the Web.

PayPal began as an independent company, founded in the late 1990s by technology entrepreneurs, including venture capital investors Thiel and Nosek. The business battled with eBay for supremacy in the emerging online payments market. But soon after it went public in 2002, eBay acquired PayPal for $1.5 billion.

Endorse Liberty also received donations from James O'Neill and Jonathan Cain, who now run the Thiel Foundation that seeks to "defend and promote freedom in all its dimensions: political, personal, and economic," according to its website.

(Editing by Paul Simao)

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/internet/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20120131/pl_nm/us_usa_campaign_spending_paul

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cadred.org | SK Gaming Don't Stand For Monkey Business

SK Gaming have released their entire DotA2 squad, formerly known as MonkeyBusiness.

The move will come as a surprise to most given the teams initial success under the SK Gaming name, achieving a third place finish at Dreamhack Winter whilst the continue to dominate their opposition in The Defense tournament, sitting at the top of their group with three wins in three games. It also comes just a few weeks after the team added the former MYM DotA legend Brian 'MaNia' Strandby, a move which many considered a huge coup for the Danish team given his pedigree. In the statement released by the teams manager he states that the team had agreed to sit down with SK Gaming and discuss better conditions at the end of January, but after doing so they have come to a mutual agreement to part ways.

It appears that with the game still in the beta stages SK Gaming don't feel comfortable offering the kind of support that the team would have needed or had requested, with the organisation stating that:

Right now it is hard to see where dota2 is going and it is still in the beta version, so we couldn't find an agreement between both parties.

Given the recent influx of major organisations and the continual growth of DotA2 it may surprise some that the team have been released, but with plenty of talent and the results to back it up they shouldn't have much trouble finding a new home. Whether SK Gaming choose to pick up another team remains to be seen.

The entire statement read:

I first met the team at ESWC Paris and signed them before Dreamhack Winter. When both sides signed the contract we agreed on talking about better conditions at end of January 2012.

Right now it is hard to see where dota2 is going and it is still in the beta version, so we couldn't find an agreement between both parties. I am very thankful for the effort that those guys put into the game for SK and hope that they will find a new organization which can fulfill their needs.

SK Gaming was:

Martin 'AngeL' Olsen
Sylvester 'Link' Hoelgaard
Brian 'MaNia' Strandby
Mikkel 'miGGel' Berg
Christoffer Borregaard 'Ryze' Winther

Source: http://www.cadred.org/167023/

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Monday, January 30, 2012

Gingrich???s Space Colony Proposition Unrealistic (ContributorNetwork)

COMMENTARY | Apparently the moon is the next prime real estate for U.S. citizens, or so former Speaker of the House and Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich seems to think.

In the Thursday Florida primary debate, Gingrich expanded on his previous claim that if elected president, he would make every effort to establish a space colony on the moon by 2020. What's more, it's estimated 13,000 inhabitants would be able to qualify for American citizenship.

This illustrious plan sounds a bit "spacey" to me. Just think: A presidential nominee who supposedly recognizes the economic woes that Americans have been facing and who bashes President Barack Obama for misallocation of national funds and ill-conceived solutions to bring the country back from its multitrillion-dollar deficit has the notion that American taxpayers have the means to support a colony in space.

I understand the argument that commercializing NASA and other space exploits is a compromising method to not let expensive equipment go to waste. I get that for Americans to remain a dominant world power, they must retain a presence in space.

But the convoluted part for me is how repurposing space equipment on Earth is going to ready average U.S. citizens for eventual long-term establishment in space. That begs the question of how Gingrich expects to pay for it, with so many other philanthropies vying for funding. I also wonder how Gingrich plans for Americans to remain the lone nationality represented on the moon.

The 1961 lunar landing guaranteed the U.S. a place in space race history. Chances are NASA wouldn't have made nearly the number of discoveries and strides in its 30 years if the U.S. hadn't laid the foundation early. But is a space colony the type of semi-permanent mark Americans want to make without funds to accommodate it?

It may do Gingrich well to recall another memorable point in the history of U.S. colonization, when the British colonies were established in North America but were expected to pay the same taxes as those residing in England.

Gingrich might soon realize his flat tax initiative is a bust with the anticipated tax inflation and strain a space colony would put on Americans in the U.S. The sheer amount of resources needed to sustain a colony on the moon would be astronomical. Not only would U.S. space residents lose their national identity and affiliation; I'm sure that terra firma-lovers would realize the wasted allocation of money resources to sustain their brothers in orbit. Sounds eerily similar to Gingrich's own sentiments about the current commander-in-chief.

An American-only space colony is an impressive campaign goal, but it may be a bit too lofty for Gingrich or others to achieve in the current economic climate. There's no doubt that it's a project that could take off in the distant future; after all, the U.S. did put a man on the moon. It has no chance, though, until financial feasibility catches up to American capability.

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/space/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/ac/20120129/pl_ac/10893623_gingrichs_space_colony_proposition_unrealistic

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Newt Gingrich Soared In South Carolina, But Now Former House Speaker Could Sour

Real Clear Politics:

It?s no longer a race between Mitt Romney and Not Romney. Newt Gingrich?s resurgence is rooted in the candidate he is, rather than the candidate he is not.

Gingrich has proven able to win with a broader coalition than Romney. That coalition eviscerated Romney?s double-digit lead in national polls. The GOP race is now a dead heat between the two men. Romney remains the favorite. But Gingrich is a serious contender for the nomination. And it?s a mistake to limit Gingrich?s GOP appeal to what Romney is not.

Read the whole story: Real Clear Politics

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Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/01/28/newt-gingrich_n_1239115.html

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Sunday, January 29, 2012

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A broad wide variety of group overall health insurance coverage policies are obtainable to choose from. Completely assured business group, massive business group, little business group, Wellbeing Upkeep Business (HMO), group managed care, self-funded ERISA & desired provider organization are some kinds of group overall health insurance coverage organizations.

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Source: http://www.fcsafekids.org/2012/01/29/group-wellness-insurance-coverage-no-examination-to-be-capable/

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Saturday, January 28, 2012

[OOC] The Enemy of My Enemy

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?I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.?
?I guess I just prefer to see the dark side of things. The glass is always half empty. And cracked. And I just cut my lip on it. And chipped a tooth.?

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Some say the world will end in Fire,
Some say in Ice,
From what I've tasted of desire,
I hold with those who favor Fire,
But if I had to Perish twice,
I think I know enough of Hate,
To say for Destruction Ice is also Great,
And would Suffice.

- Robert Frost.

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Friday, January 27, 2012

WikiLeaks founder to host Kremlin-funded TV show (Reuters)

MOSCOW (Reuters) ? Kremlin-funded English language channel Russia Today has given WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange his own TV talk show, the station said this week.

Filming for Assange's television debut is already underway from Britain, where he remains under house arrest outside London while appealing an extradition order to Sweden, it said.

Russia Today - considered a Kremlin exercise in image enhancement by critics - said Assange will invite 10 "key political players, thinkers and revolutionaries" for interviews on a show dubbed "The World Tomorrow," due to air in mid-March.

"Everything we do on the air is different from the English-language mainstream, that is something we have in common with Assange," RT's editor-in-chief Margarita Simonyan told Reuters.

"The show is a perfect fit for RT's motto: 'Question more'," she said. "We are counting on it attracting the interest of a wide audience."

Simonyan refused to say how much Assange will be paid for the chat show.

Beamed to 430 million cable subscribers worldwide, the Kremlin channel offers a rare public platform for a man whose WikiLeaks website has come under intense pressure after publishing a raft of secret U.S. diplomatic cables and seen its ability to fund itself crippled.

Assange, a 40-year-old Australian, has said the refusal of many financial transactions firms - including Visa, MasterCard, PayPal and Western Union - to work with WikiLeaks have damaged the website's ability to continue its work.

Assange is expected to appear before Britain's Supreme Court on February 1 to appeal an extradition order to Sweden, where he has been accused of sexual misconduct by two female Swedish WikiLeaks volunteers.

Vladimir Putin, who has ruled Russia since 2000 as president and prime minister, has blasted Assange's 2010 arrest as "hypocritical."

Russia Today kept secret about the names of potential guests, saying only Russian opposition figures may be among them, but speculation was rife on social media websites about who could be invited onto the show.

Media analyst Konstantin von Eggert said he expected to see Assange interview Russian allies and anti-establishment guests such as Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Venezuelan leader Hugo Chavez and left-leaning U.S. academic Noam Chomsky.

"Julian Assange is famous for his anti-American and anti-Western views, that is exactly why Russia Today is hiring him as a journalist," said von Eggert, a commentator for Kommersant FM radio.

"So this partnership is logical.... It has nothing to do with freedom of speech or real journalism."

Russia Today - whose YouTube channel has had a record half a billion viewers - made headlines a year ago when U.S. airports refused to put up one of its controversial advertisements.

The billboards comparing Ahmadinejad and U.S. President Barack Obama with a tagline asking, "Who poses the greater nuclear threat?" did appear at airports across Europe.

(Reporting by Nastassia Astrasheuskaya; Editing by Alissa de Carbonnel and Paul Casciato)

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/europe/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20120126/wl_nm/us_russia_assange_tv

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Plea hearing in Va. for accused Pentagon shooter (AP)

ALEXANDRIA, Va. ? An ex-Marine from Virginia is expected to enter a guilty plea related to charges that he fired shots at the Pentagon, the Marine Corps museum in Quantico and other military-related targets.

A plea-agreement hearing is scheduled Thursday for 24-year-old Yonathan Melaku (meh-LAH-koo) of Alexandria. Prosecutors charged Melaku last year, saying they had evidence linking him to a series of overnight shootings in 2010 at a number of military buildings in northern Virginia. No one was injured.

Court records do not yet specify the exact charges in the plea agreement.

Melaku was arrested in June when he was spotted after dark in Arlington National Cemetery with a backpack containing potential explosives material and notations referring to jihad and Osama bin Laden. That arrest set off a security scare around the Pentagon.

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/crime/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20120126/ap_on_re_us/us_military_buildings_shootings

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Thursday, January 26, 2012

Acer Aspire TimelineX 5830TG-6614

We've seen several laptops lately that peg the intersection of the desktop replacement and budget categories at around $700. The Acer Aspire TimelineX 5830TG-6614 is a bit steeper at $779.99 list, but don't dismiss it: For one thing, we've seen online resellers offering it for around $750. For another, the 15.6-inch Aspire is loaded with everything from Intel Wireless Display (WiDi) to a discrete Nvidia graphics adapter that actually passed our gaming tests at medium resolution and detail settings.

As you might guess from its model number, the Acer 5830TG-6614 is a refreshed version of the Aspire TimelineX 5830TG-6402 ($799.99 direct, 3.5 stars) we tested in August. Besides a $20 price cut and the addition of WiDi 2.0?which beams the notebook's display to an HDTV equipped with an extra-cost ($100 or so) Belkin, D-Link, or Netgear adapter?the changes include slightly faster graphics and processing hardware.

Unchanged from August is the Aspire's handsome cobalt blue aluminum lid with chrome Acer logo and matching blue plastic palm rest; the black chiclet-style keys are framed in a silver aluminum keyboard surround. There's a numeric keypad, with small but dedicated Home, End, PgUp, and PgDn keys, to the right of the primary keys; the touchpad is centered under the latter (actually, under the space bar), so some users perceive it as being too far to the left. I had no complaints myself?I quite enjoyed typing on the laptop, and the touchpad, though a little small compared to some of the jumbo ones you see today, worked smoothly, with comfortable left and right buttons instead of invisible clickpad corners.

Measuring 1.2 by 14.9 by 9.8 inches (HWD) and weighing 5.4 pounds, the 5830TG-6614 has an appealingly angular design. The 15.6-inch widescreen has the same 1,366-by-768 resolution that's ubiquitous in the class?if you want more space, you'll have to either pay for the likes of the Dell XPS 15z ($1,534 direct, 4 stars) or opt for a 17.3-inch system such as the HP Pavilion dv7-6b55dx ($699.99 list, 4 stars). Sufficient for viewing videos in 720p, the display offers a glossy finish and fairly narrow viewing angles. The laptop's audio is a good partner for those videos, with above-average sound from the Dolby Home Theater speakers mounted above the keyboard.

WiMAX or other mobile broadband is absent, but otherwise the TimelineX has a full complement of wireless features: Besides WiDi, there's 802.11n Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. There's also Clear.fi, a proprietary streaming technology that lets Acer products (such as the Aspire and an Iconia tablet) share multimedia content over a home Wi-Fi network.

On the Aspire's right side are three USB 2.0 ports and a dual-layer DVD?RW drive, with an SD/MMC/xD/MS Pro memory card slot on the front edge. Ethernet, microphone, and headphone jacks are on the left side, as are VGA and HDMI ports and one USB 3.0 port. The last can be used to charge a cell phone or other device; a handy utility lets you specify whether to allow USB charging only when the laptop is plugged in or discontinue it when the latter's battery sinks to a certain percentage.

The Acer's 640GB, 5,400rpm hard drive is smaller than the 750GB drives found in competitors like the Lenovo IdeaPad Z570-10249ZU ($699.99 list, 3.5 stars), but still offers plenty of room for your documents and multimedia files. It's also packed with more than its share of bloatware, from a slew of house-brand utilities to usual suspects like Microsoft Office Starter 2010 and a 60-day trial of McAfee Internet Security to New York Times and Nook e-readers and Netflix and eBay links. Acer backs the Aspire with a two-year mail- or carry-in parts-and-labor warranty and one-year international travelers' warranty offering access to service centers abroad for owners who carry a copy of the original sales receipt.

Acer Aspire TimelineX 5830TG-6614 The 5830TG-6614 is built around Intel's 2.4GHz Core i5-2430M, the same dual-core, four-thread processor found in our Editors' Choice Asus U56E-BBL6 and numerous competitors, with 6GB of DDR3 memory. It's not surprising, then, that many of its benchmark scores are virtual ties with those laptops'. Its PCMark 7 score of 2,388, for instance, is well within the margin of error of the 2,376 of the Lenovo Z570-10249ZU, and its Photoshop CS5 time of 4 minutes 8 seconds is just six seconds behind that of the Asus U56E-BBL6 and HP dv7-6b55dx.

Acer Aspire TimelineX 5830TG-6614

The Aspire strides to the front, however, in graphics tests, thanks to its 1GB Nvidia GeForce GT 540M discrete graphics adapter. Running at 1,024-by-768 resolution with medium quality and detail settings, the Acer posted a playable 39.1 frames per second (fps) in Lost Planet 2 and a better-than-playable 58.1fps in Crysis, as well as nearing the impressive 10,000-point mark (9,551) in 3DMark06.

Nvidia's Optimus technology automatically switches from the GeForce adapter to the Core i5 chip's more placid integrated graphics when running visually undemanding applications, which boosts battery life. Indeed, though I'm by nature biased against batteries sealed inside laptop cases so they can't be swapped out, it's hard to criticize the Acer's too much, because it lasted a hardy 9 hours 1 minute in our MobileMark 2007 test?trailing its 5830TG-6402 predecessor (9:57) and the HP Pavilion (9:33), but besting the Asus (7:42) and Lenovo (5:30).

Overall, the Aspire TimelineX 5830TG-6614 comes within a whisker of unseating the Asus U56E-BBL6 as our budget laptop Editors' Choice, the latter clinging to its title by dint of its lower price and removable battery. But if you're looking for an affordable desktop replacement that won't fold when you fire up a few games, the Acer is a strong candidate.


Compare the Acer Aspire TimelineX 5830TG-6614 with several other laptops side by side.

More laptop reviews:
??? Acer Aspire TimelineX 5830TG-6614
??? Toshiba Portege Z830-S8302
??? HP Pavilion dm1-3010nr (Verizon)
??? Dell Latitude E6420 XFR
??? Lenovo IdeaPad U400
?? more

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/ziffdavis/pcmag/~3/oSWv6AhgHpw/0,2817,2399062,00.asp

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Ala. university suspect wants report kept secret (AP)

DEDHAM, Mass. ? An Alabama professor accused of killing three colleagues will ask a judge on Wednesday to keep a report into the 1986 killing of her brother secret.

The highest court in Massachusetts ruled last month that a judge's inquest report into the death of Amy Bishop's brother Seth can be released publicly.

But the court also said Amy Bishop's lawyer, prosecutors and others could go to court to argue that there is "good cause" why it should remain sealed. A hearing is scheduled Wednesday in Norfolk Superior Court on a request by Bishop's lawyer to keep the report sealed from public view.

Bishop, a former biology professor at the University of Alabama in Huntsville, was charged with opening fire on colleagues in 2010, killing three and wounding three others.

After the shootings, a Massachusetts judge conducted a closed-door inquest into the death of 18-year-old Seth Bishop. The shooting at the family's Braintree home had been ruled an accident after Amy Bishop told police she had accidentally shot her brother while trying to unload her father's shotgun.

But after the inquest, a grand jury indicted Bishop on murder charges in her brother's death.

Bishop's lawyer, Larry Tipton, has argued that releasing the inquest report and transcript could prejudice juries against her in both Massachusetts and in Alabama, where she faces a possible death sentence.

"That increment could make the difference that tips the balance toward death," Tipton argued in documents filed with the Supreme Judicial Court.

The Boston Globe challenged a judge's decision to keep the inquest records sealed, saying that release of the documents could shed some light on what led to authorities' decision not to prosecute Bishop in her brother's death decades ago.

In its decision last month, the Supreme Judicial Court sided with the Globe and outlined new rules for the release of inquest materials. The high court said the automatic impoundment of the records ends after the subject of the inquest is indicted by a grand jury or after prosecutors decide not to present the case to a grand jury.

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/education/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20120125/ap_on_re_us/us_ala_university_shooting_inquest

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Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Factbox: EU sanctions against Iran (Reuters)

BRUSSELS (Reuters) ? Here is an outline of EU sanctions against Iran over its nuclear program. New sanctions were imposed Monday.


A ban on the transport, purchase and import into Europe of Iranian crude oil and petroleum products and related finance and insurance. Contracts already concluded can be executed until July 1 and the measures will be reviewed before May 1.

The sanctions also ban the export of key technology for the energy sector and new investment in Iranian petrochemical firms and joint ventures with these companies.

The EU also froze the assets of the Iran's central bank in the European Union and banned trade in gold, precious metals and diamonds with Iranian public bodies and the central bank.

In addition, the sanctions bar the sale to Iran of more "sensitive dual use" goods -- those that can have a military or security application -- and add three people to a list of those targeted by asset freezes and visa bans and freeze the assets of eight more entities.

Details of the sanctions will be published in the EU's Official Journal Tuesday.


The EU has gradually imposed sanctions on Iran since 2007 as part of Western efforts to put pressure on Tehran over its nuclear work. Sanctions include those agreed by the United Nations and autonomous EU measures. Current EU sanctions include:

- Trade ban on arms and equipment that can be used for repression, and a ban on goods and technology related to nuclear enrichment or nuclear weapons systems, including nuclear materials and facilities, certain chemicals, electronics, sensors and lasers, navigation and avionics;

- Ban on investment by Iranian nationals and entities in uranium mining and production of nuclear material and technology within the EU;

- Ban on trade in dual-use goods and technology, for instance telecommunication systems and equipment; information security systems and equipment; nuclear technology and low-enriched uranium;

- Export ban on key equipment and technology for the oil and gas industries (i.e. exploration and production of oil and natural gas, refining and liquefaction of natural gas). Ban on financial and technical assistance for such transactions. This includes geophysical survey equipment, drilling and production platforms for crude oil and natural gas, equipment for shipping terminals of liquefied gas, petrol pumps and storage tanks;

- Ban on investment in the Iranian oil and gas industries (exploration and production of oil and gas, refining and liquefaction of natural gas). This means no credits, loans, new investment in and joint ventures with such companies in Iran;

- Ban on new medium- or long-term commitments by EU member states to financial support for trade with Iran. Restraint on short-term commitments;

- EU governments are banned from extending grants and concessional loans to the Iranian government. Provision of insurance and re-insurance to the Iranian government and Iranian entities (except health and travel insurance) is banned;

- EU financial institutions must report to national authorities any transactions with Iranian banks they suspect concern proliferation of financing; banks must notify transfers above 10,000 euros to national authorities and request prior authorization for transactions above 40,000 euros (with humanitarian exemptions);

- Iranian banks are banned from opening branches and creating joint ventures in the EU; EU financial institutions are banned from opening branches or bank accounts in Iran;

- Ban on the issuance of and trade in Iranian government or public bonds with the Iranian government, central bank and Iranian banks;

- EU governments must require their nationals to exercise vigilance over business with entities incorporated in Iran, including those of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps and of the Islamic Republic of Iran Shipping Lines;

- National customs authorities must require prior information about all cargo to and from Iran. Such cargo can be inspected to ensure trade restrictions are respected;

- Cargo flights operated by Iranian carriers or coming from Iran may not have access to EU airports (except mixed passenger and cargo flights). No maintenance services to Iranian cargo aircraft or servicing to Iranian vessels may be provided if there are suspicions that they carry prohibited goods;

- Visa bans are imposed on persons designated by the UN or associated with or providing support for Iran's proliferation-sensitive nuclear activities or for the development of nuclear weapon delivery systems, and on senior members of the IRGC; as of January 22, visa bans and asset freezes apply to 113 persons (41 designated by the UN and the rest by the EU);

- Asset freeze on 433 entities associated with Iran's proliferation-sensitive nuclear activities or the development of nuclear weapon delivery systems; and senior members and entities of IRGC and the IRISL (UN designations cover 75 entities); these entities include: companies in banking and insurance sectors, the nuclear technology industry and in the field of aviation, armament, electronics, shipping, chemical industry, metallurgy, the oil and gas industry, and branches and subsidiaries of IRGC and IRISL.


In addition to the nuclear track, the EU has imposed travel bans and asset freezes on 61 Iranians seen as responsible for human rights violations.


The EU had a free-trade agreement with Iran until 2005 and Tehran's refusal to cooperate with the IAEA on its nuclear work. Europe remains an important trade partner. Ninety percent of EU imports from Iran are either oil or oil-related products. In 2010, the EU imported 14.5 billion euros worth of goods from Iran and exported 11.3 billion euros of goods to it.

(Reporting by Justyna Pawlak and David Brunnstrom; editing by Philippa Fletcher)

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/iran/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20120123/wl_nm/us_iran_eu_factbox

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Nonfiction Monday-- Pets

Middle school students love to read about cats and dogs. Either they have them, or they wish they had them. My Dorling-Kindersley and ASPCA god and cat care manuals are falling to pieces, so I was looking around for some other books about pets. And just so you know, I decided NOT to let my dog "write" the reviews. It may be January, but I'm not that many kinds of crazy. Yet.

Brownlee, Christen. Cute, Furry and Deadly: Diseases You Can Catch from Your Pet!
The Scholastic 24/7 books on war are very popular in my library, so I looked into the Science Behind the Scenes series. This volumn presents several real life cases where pets made their owners very sick-- prarie dogs with monkey pox, kittens with rabies, and baby chicks with salmonella. Medical terms are explained, all article are well-illustrated, and additional information is given about zoonotic diseases. Scientists who worked on the real life cases are also profiled. A glossary and resource pages are included at the end of the book.
Strengths: Rabid kitties-- what's not to like? The short chapters will appeal to nonfiction readers who like a little bit of text with their pictures.
Weaknesses: While this has really good information, I find the format hard to read. This will not be the book for my students wanting information about animal care, but will be great for the students who like grossology type books. I still like the Sheila Keenan Animals in the House for a good overview of the history of pets.

Klam, Julie. You Had Me At Woof: How Dogs Taught me the Secrets of Happiness.
This memoir is not really suitable for middle school students, but I treat myself to the occasional adult book on Friday evenings, because my life is just that exciting! Ms. Klam was trying to figure out her single life and her career when she decided that a dog was what she needed. Enter Otto, a Boston terrier, who so endeared himself to Ms. Klam that she got involved with a Boston terrier rescue group and started fostering dogs. She eventually got married and had a daughter, but continued to make the dogs a very big part of her life. I wouldn't say that this book, or the dogs, really taught me much about the secrets of happiness, but it was an amusing read, and it encouraged me to rub Sylvie's tummy while I read it. Warning: several dogs pass away in this book. Sad.

Capstone Publishers, February 2012

E ARC from Netgalley.com

This is certainly fiction, and for grades 1-3, but it was so cute that I had to take a look, even though it is waaaay on the elementary side of the Pilkey side. The Mini-Mutts are tiny little fuzzy crime fighters who are going up against Brainicat, who is evil. The text is simple, the pictures bright, and my children would have loved these when they were emergent readers. This would also be a good book to, um, read to your dog!

Source: http://msyinglingreads.blogspot.com/2012/01/nonfiction-monday-pets.html

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Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Video: Gingrich?s momentum too much for Romney

>> few days ago showed mitt romney with a wide lead in south carolina , but the romney campaign sensing a change in the winds has been trying to tamp down expectations as it ratchets up its attacks on newt gingrich . peter alexander has that end of the story. good evening to you.

>> reporter: lester, good morning to you. and roomy took the afternoon off, in fact, to relax and he took his family to the movies today. regardless of what happens here this evening, governor romney 's advisers say he's in this for the long haul. for the romney campaign, proudly meticulous about every detail, that visit to tommy's country hamhouse featured an oversight that summed up a week's worth of stumbles.

>> we came here.

>> reporter: the crowd couldn't hear the candidate because his campaign didn't bring its own microphone. all week romney who is largely focused on attacking president obama --

>> repeal obamacare --

>> reporter: has struggled to fend off jabs from his rivals. newt gingrich and santorum and sidetracked about his personal wealth and wavering answers about whether he'd release his tax returns.

>> maybe. i'll take a look at what the -- what our documents are.

>> reporter: saturday morning romney tried to slow gingrich's momentum, and talking about the contract he signed with freddie mac .

>> this is a big issue, got the washington insiders, talking about freddie mac . let's see what the report was to freddie mac . what advice he gave them.

>> reporter: the romney campaign levelled this sarcastic attack, wishing again dprigingrich a happy anniversary. part of the increasing nasty campaign that has some voters turned off.

>> even got carolina to answer some. just hanging up. we're not listening to the messages.

>> reporter: still as romney looks to lower expectations here, his advisers are already touting their head start in florida.

>> we have a long way to go. come join us in florida. then in nevada and michigan and colorado.

>> reporter: but first, romney appears to have a few chores. today, his son tweeted this photo. showing the former governor doing laundry. and the next time we expect to see all four of the republican presidential candidates together, lester, is monday night in tampa. that of course is nbc news's presidential debate .

>> peter alexander in columbia, thank you.

Source: http://video.msnbc.msn.com/nightly-news/46083879/

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Cautionary Language

This press recover contains forward-looking statements formed on management?s stream expectations and projections, that are dictated to validate for a protected bay from guilt determined by a Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. The difference ?believe,? ?will,? ?expect,? ?continue,? ?intend,? ?plan,? ?seek,? ?estimate,? project,? ?may,? or a disastrous or other variations thereof or allied vernacular as they describe to AGS and a products, plans, and markets are dictated to brand such forward-looking statements. All forward-looking statements are formed on stream expectations and projections of destiny events.

These forward-looking statements simulate a stream views, models, and assumptions of AGS, and are theme to several risks and uncertainties that can't be likely or competent and could means tangible formula in AGS? opening to differ materially from those voiced or pragmatic by such forward-looking statements. These risks and uncertainties include, though are not singular to, a ability of AGS to say vital alliances, section placements or installations, grow revenue, hoard new marketplace share, secure new licenses in new jurisdictions, successfully rise or place exclusive product, approve with regulations, or have a games authorized by applicable jurisdictions. All forward-looking statements done herein are competent by these cautionary statements and there can be no declaration that a tangible results, events or developments referenced herein will start or be realized. Readers are cautioned that all forward-looking statements pronounce usually to a contribution and resources benefaction as of a date of this press release. AGS specifically disclaims any requirement to refurbish or correct any forward-looking statements, either as a outcome of new information, destiny events or otherwise.

? Marketwire 2012

Source: http://gamblingmachines.info/american-gaming-systems-granted-illinois-video-gaming-terminal-vgt-and-riverboat-licenses.html

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Monday, January 23, 2012

Scientists call moratorium on study of deadly bird flu

In an almost unheard-of move, scientists who study the deadly H5N1 bird flu announced a 60-day voluntary moratorium on studying the virus to allow time "to clearly explain the benefits of this important research and the measures taken to minimize its possible risks."

The statement, released Friday by the journals Science and Nature, comes soon after federal officials had asked the journals and two research teams to withhold details of experiments that showed the virus can be coaxed to a form that passes readily through the air from mammal to mammal.

The request has rekindled a debate among scientists and in the media about how transparently to share delicate information that could help researchers develop ways to prevent and contain a disease threat but could also fall into the wrong hands.

Some have questioned whether experiments with such potentially risky results should be conducted at all.

Since the H5N1 bird flu broke onto the international scene in the mid-1990s, only about 600 identified cases of human infection, mostly among people who had handled poultry, have been recorded. About 60% of those victims died, however, making this an especially lethal type of flu.

Some scientists had feared it was only a matter of time before the virus mutated to pass easily among humans and have been working in high-security labs to prove this was possible ? and to learn what key changes would signal the emergence of a monster.

Virologist Ron Fouchier of the Erasmus Medical Center in the Netherlands created a virus that could spread, airborne, between ferrets, with just a few genetic changes. Ferrets react to the flu virus much as humans do.

"We knew if we were successful, we would be creating a potentially dangerous virus," said Fouchier, lead author of the letter declaring the moratorium, which was signed by more than three dozen scientists.

But he said he believed the science was appropriate and the results should be published in full.

"We think, with these viruses, we are in a better position to prevent a pandemic from happening, and if we cannot prevent a pandemic, then to develop available vaccines," he said. "The work is too complicated for any bioterrorists to do in a garage ? and for rogue countries, they would have experts. They don't need our manuscript."

The findings from Fouchier's lab and another at the University of Wisconsin set off alarms for the U.S. National Science Advisory Board for Biosecurity, which made the recommendation in December that details of the experiments be redacted from publications.

The journals and study authors have agreed to do this if a system is put in place for research information to be shared with scientists and public health workers who need it.

Michael Osterholm, director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota and a member of the biosecurity advisory board, said that even though the science was useful, the virus could potentially escape lab containment by accident.

"You have to look at the risk-benefit ratio," Osterholm said.

Fouchier and coauthors wrote in the letter that they recognized the need to clearly explain the benefits of their research to a worried public. They called for an international forum where the scientific community could discuss the oversight of such high-security experiments and the potential risks as well as the benefits.

Osterholm said he doubted that two months would be long enough to come to a clear consensus.

"This is a very positive step forward in trying to have a very thoughtful and global discussion on this issue," he said. But, he added, "It's still quite optimistic to think that this all can be resolved in 60 days."


Source: http://feeds.latimes.com/~r/latimes/news/science/~3/lpOzKNS7PFU/la-sci-bird-flu-science-20120121,0,6128265.story

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Communications Degree ? Licensure, Association and Certification ...

Find out some important communications degree institutions for licensure and certification.

Nowadays, only a few marketing, advertising and PR managers have certifications.
However, the number of communications professionals who are looking for professional recognition is projected to increase as the industry becomes more competitive.
Examinations and presentations of your winning projects may earn you professional accreditation from several large communications degree-centered institutions and non-profit organizations.

Among the popular professional accreditations and associations are the Public Relations Society of America, International Association of Business Communicators, Canadian Public Relations Society and National Communication Association.
Being a member of these organizations provides a handful of benefits and networking opportunities for communications degree holders.
Here is the overview of several communications organizations for licensure, certification and association.

Chartered in 1947, the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) is the world?s biggest and pioneer organization of public relations professionals.
PRSA offers professional development, supports ethical principles for its members and sets standards of excellence.
The organization upholds greater understanding of public relations services and acts as one of the leading voices of the industry concerning professional and business issues.

Individuals with a communications degree (associate?s, bachelor?s or masters in communication) who want to accelerate their career may seek help from PRSA.
One of the advantages of being a member of this institution is networking, putting you in touch with other PRSA members and providing you niche conferences and other learning opportunities.
The organization has 10 PRSA districts and 111 chapters that connect members with other professionals in your area.

Besides professional networking, members may receive professional recognition during Silver Anvil, the most prestigious award event, celebrating various public relations achievements.
Other PRSA recognition awards are for tactical excellence, individual accomplishment and achievement in specialized areas.
Other benefits of PNSA for communications professionals include accreditation through the Accredited in Public Relations program (APR), learning and job guide.

Another good organization for a communications professional is the International Association of Business Communicators.
Founded in 1970, it offers a professional network for nearly 15,000 business communications professionals in more than 80 countries.
Being a member of the IABC professional network can help you find hidden job markets, and enhance your learning and skills with the website?s robust library.

The Canadian Public Relations Society (CPRS) is another organization for public relations in Canada and other countries.
Founded in 1948, it started with two original groups ? one in Montreal and the other in Toronto.
In 1957, it became a national society.

Today, the CPRS consists of 16 member societies, with connections in major cities and organized provinces.
CPRS aims to advance the professional standing of public relations and monitors its practice to uphold the protection of public interest.
Other than regulation of PR practice, it serves the public interest by implementing a code of ethics and a standard of proficiency.

Most importantly, the National Communication Association is the biggest national organization promoting communication education and scholarship.
NCA serves teachers, scholars and practitioners by supporting their interests in teaching and research.
It is a non-profit organization with more than 8,000 members working and living in the US and over 20 other countries.

Do you know what you can do with a communications degree association?
Without some experience and an outstanding portfolio after graduation, entry-level communications degree applicants with unadorned resumes have difficulty finding a job.
As such, having connections with esteemed professionals in the field of communication and membership to established organizations can give you an upper hand over other interested applicants.

Source: http://www.bluebearalaska.com/2012/01/23/communications-degree-%E2%80%93-licensure-association-and-certification/

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Sunday, January 22, 2012

Remorseful man admits he caused big Reno blaze

The ruins of a home in Pleasant Valley, south of Reno, Nev., are seen on Friday, Jan. 20, 2012, after a wind-driven brush fire raced through the area Thursday. The blaze started shortly after noon Thursday and, fueled by wind gusts reaching 82 mph, mushroomed to more than 6 square miles before firefighters stopped its surge toward Reno. (AP Photo/Cathleen Allison)

The ruins of a home in Pleasant Valley, south of Reno, Nev., are seen on Friday, Jan. 20, 2012, after a wind-driven brush fire raced through the area Thursday. The blaze started shortly after noon Thursday and, fueled by wind gusts reaching 82 mph, mushroomed to more than 6 square miles before firefighters stopped its surge toward Reno. (AP Photo/Cathleen Allison)

The ruins of a home in Pleasant Valley, south of Reno, Nev., are seen on Friday, Jan. 20, 2012, after a wind-driven brush fire raced through the area. The blaze started shortly after noon Thursday and, fueled by wind gusts reaching 82 mph, mushroomed to more than 6 square miles before firefighters stopped its surge toward Reno. (AP Photo/Cathleen Allison)

Firefighters battle a wind-driven brush fire burning through Pleasant Valley, south of Reno, Nev., on Thursday, Jan. 19, 2012. Reno Fire Chief Michael Hernandez says crews were able to stop the wall of flames before it reached Galena High School. (AP Photo/Cathleen Allison)

Firefighters wait for water before attacking an outbuilding adjacent to a home Thursday, Jan. 19, 2012 in Pleasant Valley, Nev. Winds gusting up to 82 mph pushed a fast-moving brush fire south of Reno out of control on Thursday as it burned several homes, threatened dozens more and forced more than 4,000 people to evacuate their neighborhoods. (AP Photo/The Reno Gazette-Journal, Tim Dunn) NEVADA APPEAL OUT; MAGS OUT; NO SALES

The ruins of a home in Pleasant Valley, south of Reno, Nev. smolders as firefighters battle a wind-driven brush fire on Thursday, Jan. 19, 2012. Winds gusting up to 82 mph pushed a fast-moving brush fire south of Reno out of control on Thursday as it burned several homes, threatened dozens more and forced more than 4,000 people to evacuate their neighborhoods. (AP Photo/Cathleen Allison)

(AP) ? An elderly man discarding fireplace ashes accidentally touched off the brush fire that raged south of Reno, destroying 29 homes and forcing thousands of people to flee the flames, authorities said.

The man admitted his role by improperly disposing of the ashes at his home.

Investigators already had tracked the origin of the fire to a location in East Lake on the north end of the Washoe Valley, where the man lives about 20 miles south of downtown Reno.

"He came forward on his own accord," Reno Fire Chief Michael Hernandez said. "He has given statements to our investigators as well as law enforcement officers. He is extremely remorseful."

Fueled by 82 mph wind gusts, the blaze burned nearly 3,200 acres and forced the evacuation of up to 10,000 people Thursday.

A break in the weather and calmer winds allowed firefighters to get the upper hand on the blaze Friday.

Hernandez estimated it to be 65 percent contained Friday night. He said 300 firefighters would remain on the scene through the night checking for hot spots along with another 125 support people, including law enforcement officers and the Nevada National Guard.

The next challenge may be the forecast for rain and snow in the mountains on Saturday, which officials fear could cause flooding in burned areas.

The Highway Patrol said Friday night that all of U.S. Highway 395 between Reno and Carson City had reopened.

Washoe County Sheriff Mike Haley said a formal case file will be forwarded to the district attorney next week for consideration of charges.

"The DA will have to give this case a lot of deliberation," Haley said.

"The fact he came forward and admitted it plays a role. But so does the massive damage and loss of life," he said. "It's a balancing act."

In addition to the potential for facing jail time on arson charges, the man could also be ordered to pay the cost of fighting the fire, which already totals $690,000.

Washoe County Manager Katy Simon said she expects the final bill to run into the millions of dollars.

Gov. Sandoval toured the fire damaged area Friday, describing it as "horrendous, devastating."

"There is nothing left in some of those places except for the chimneys and fireplaces," he said.

The blaze started shortly after noon Thursday and, fueled by the wind, mushroomed to more than 6 square miles before firefighters stopped its surge toward Reno.

The strong, erratic winds caused major challenges for crews evacuating residents, Sierra Front spokesman Mark Regan said. "In a matter of seconds, the wind would shift," he said.

Haley confirmed that the body of June Hargis, 93, was found in the fire's aftermath, but her cause of death has not been established, so it's not known if it was fire related.

Jeannie Watts, the woman's 70-year-old daughter, told KRNV-TV that Hargis' grandson telephoned her to tell her to evacuate but she didn't get out in time.

About 2,000 people remained subject to evacuation, and about 100 households still were without power.

Marred in Reno's driest winter in more than 120 years, residents had welcomed the forecast that a storm was due to blow across the Sierra Nevada this week.

Instead, thousands found themselves fleeing their homes Thursday afternoon.

Connie Cryer went to the fire response command post Friday with her 12-year-old granddaughter, Maddie Miramon, to find out if her house had survived the flames.

"We had to know so we could get some sleep," Cryer said, adding her house was spared but a neighbor's wasn't. She had seen wildfires before, but nothing on this scale.

"There was fire in front of me, fire beside me, fire behind me. It was everywhere," she said. "I don't know how more didn't burn up. It was terrible, all the wind and the smoke."

Fire officials said Thursday's fire was "almost a carbon copy" of a blaze that destroyed 30 homes in Reno during similar summer-like conditions in mid-November.

State Forester Pete Anderson said he has not seen such hazardous fire conditions in winter in his 43 years in Nevada. Reno had no precipitation in December. The last time that happened was 1883.

An inch of snow Monday ended the longest recorded dry spell in Reno history, a 56-day stretch that prompted Anderson to issue an unusual warning about wildfire threats.

"We're usually pretty much done with the fire season by the first of November, but this year it's been nonstop," Anderson said.

Kit Bailey, U.S. Forest Service fire chief at nearby Lake Tahoe, said conditions are so dry that even a forecast calling for rain and snow might not take the Reno-Tahoe area out of fire danger.

"The scary thing is a few days of drying after this storm cycle and we could be back into fire season again," he said.


Associated Press writers Michelle Rindels in Las Vegas and Sandra Chereb in Carson City, Nev., contributed to this report.

Associated Press

Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/apdefault/386c25518f464186bf7a2ac026580ce7/Article_2012-01-21-Reno%20Brush%20Fire/id-ece4db1fb7f3448c9c97faee9b4ed6cf

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'Amazing Spider-Man' star Andrew Garfield, producer give new details on the film

'Amazing Spider-Man' star Andrew Garfield says that he 'get into near-death experiences every hour on the hour' during filming

A big question mark lingers above the head of Sony?s upcoming comic book franchise revamping, The Amazing Spider-Man. Fans seem to either love or be very wary of the idea of a fresh start to the Peter Parker story; unlike many of the other reboots/remakes on the horizon, the Webslinger?s tale is especially familiar to moviegoers, seeing how it only unfolded onscreen (in live-action form) for the first time back in 2002.

Skip to next paragraph Screen Rant

Screen Rant had a humble start back in 2003 as a place to rant about some of the dumber stuff related to the movie industry. Since then, the site has grown to cover more and more TV and movie news (and not just the dumb stuff) along with sometimes controversial movie reviews. The goal at Screen Rant is to cover stories and review movies from a middle ground/average person perspective.

Recent posts

While the basic crux of Spidey?s origin remains intact in Amazing Spider-Man, there are numerous new plot and character elements being incorporated, which were absent from director Sam Raimi?s original Spider-Man movie. But will those new ingredients help to produce a tasty, yet somewhat unfamiliar dish ? or are they just window dressings being added on to create the illusion that this flick is more than just an unimaginative rehash?

The cast and crew of Amazing Spider-Man have (naturally) been keen to emphasize that the film will?bring something genuinely new to the table, be it in the form of vastly different takes on certain characters ? or just a tone that?s more ?realistic? and less reminiscent of a live-action Saturday morning cartoon, a la Raimi?s Spider-Man trilogy.

Case in point: Amazing Spider-Man stars Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone, along with producers Avi Arad and Matthew Tolmach, recently attended a Tokyo-based press conference, to promote the film. While there, they dropped some interesting new tidbits of information concerning the differences between this new flick and the previous Spider-Man movies.

Arad had the following to say, with regards to certain character dynamics in The Amazing Spider-Man:

?In our movie, [Andrew Garfield as Peter Parker] finds his true love.?Gwen Stacy [Emma Stone] was always the true love of Peter Parker? We found a very, very good story about what makes a human being. About what sets their destiny.

Source: http://rss.csmonitor.com/~r/feeds/csm/~3/o2jye8fWx3k/Amazing-Spider-Man-star-Andrew-Garfield-producer-give-new-details-on-the-film

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