Friday, December 28, 2012

GLHFCasting ? auto insurance-86322

auto insurance 86322 Every year, more drivers hit our roads and freeways. With the increasing number of vehicles on the road, crashes are going to happen. The difference between a small aggravation and large obstacle can be your car insurance. But why do you need to own insurance and just how much should you purchase? Your car insurance may be able to pay for the expenses from a car crash ranging from car repairs to replacement costs. Every state and province requires car insurance by law. By not purchasing insurance, you run the risk of having to pay the full price of the harm you cause others or to repair or replace your car if it is damaged or stolen. Liability: Liability pays for the expenses you are responsible for in a car collision, including property damage and injury. Damages from bodily injury can include medical fees, lost wages, and pain and suffering. Property damage includes car repair costs and loss of use of property. If you are sued, it also pays your legal fees. Recommended, higher levels of insurance are available that take care of more events than the stripped-down, state-mandated varieties. Personal Injury Protection: This type of insurance pays for all medical treatment for you and your passengers, regardless of who was at fault in the accident. It is sometimes referred to as no-fault coverage. The minimum amount of this insurance is usually set by local government. Medical Payments: Medical payment coverage can be purchased in states that are not considered no-fault; it will pay despite who carries responsibility for a crash. All necessary medical or funeral expenses will be paid for under this insurance policy. Collision: Pays for damages to your car caused by a collision. Comprehensive: Cover your car from damages from other sources when you buy this type of coverage. This may include protection from robbery, vandalism, and weather damage. Uninsured Motorist: If you are hit by a driver without insurance, this type of insurance coverage will protect you. Under-Insured Motorist: There are other drivers who have liability insurance that might not be able to cover all the expenses they are responsible for. This type of insurance covers you in accidents involving those drivers. Emergency road service, car rental, and other varieties of coverage can also be purchased.


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