Monday, December 31, 2012

Eric Chua : Life, Business and Real Estate in Singapore ? How To ...

When a booming business is your goal, your focus should be on Affiliate marketing to gain your customer base. Learn and apply these basic tips for successful Internet marketing. You should have a better idea of how to become great with Internet marketing.

Use the actual term ?guarantee? in your online ads when you are marketing on the Internet. This reassures customers and makes them more likely to make a purchase. There are many various guarantees that can be offered. Try different kinds of guarantees when you are setting them up. Select which guarantee is best for the product that is being sold.

It?s ok to go to other online businesses or retailers, you can propose deals of products as well as other services for a discounted price. This tactic is a sound strategy to create connections between multiple markets. This has a cumulative effect of boosting overall revenue. A great example where you can see this is on online booking agents. These agents have negotiated reduced prices on your behalf for airfare, hotels and even car rentals. This is a great option if your business sells products that can be considered supplementary to another company?s products, rather than competing products.

TIP! You cannot use a copy of another website and expect to be successful with it. Search engines have been getting extremely efficient at identifying duplicate content.

Consider using positive motivation as a method to promote your products. Be certain that people understand why your products and services are relevant to their own lives. Shoppers should know this information once they have briefly visited your website or any other page on the web that is relevant to your operations. Encourage your readers to be successful, and they will believe it too.

Your site should be very clear so that any links that you post are easily identifiable. Always ensure that your links are clearly visible and organized for the incoming traffic. Obscure or poorly placed links will often lead to less usage. This could cause one of your main pages to be losing out on a huge profitable angle.

TIP! The appearance and performance of your website is just as important as the in-store buying experience. Routinely audit and test the links, pictures, and online payment systems to identify any bugs or issues that will create difficulties for your customers.

The options at your disposal when it comes to running your business and website can be overwhelming. Make a list of what would be found on your website if it were ideal. You should select a field with which you are familiar and which brings you enjoyment for your niche website marketing efforts. You will find website marketing more simple when you have goals.

When writing content, use simple and plain language to make your points or describe your products. Actually using the word ?easy? in your content will get you some added attention. People generally dislike overly complicated things, so adding tags like ?easy to order? and ?easy to use? can entice them to use your product. This is a wonderful way to increase traffic and sales.

?Fast? is a word that is very effective in advertising campaigns and when used in conjunction with products and services, so be sure to make use of it. Many people are willing to spend a little more money if they can save some time. Make sure to emphasize how fast you can get things done, and than make sure you stick to that.

TIP! Use your email to your business advantage. Make sure these emails contain interesting information.

Split your website into sections, and have a map from which people can choose the products they?d like to see. Remember, adding variety to your page is beneficial but you still want to keep your page structured.

Offer subscription services for your most popular products. As an example, computer paper buyers might enter a subscription service to receive paper every month.

Always view your website in the way that a potential customer would. Is it truly user-friendly? Does it engage your customers? Is it user-friendly? All the SEO in the world will be pointless if your potential customers have trouble navigating your site once they get there.

TIP! To be successful as an Internet marketer, you must be positive about your business and show plenty of enthusiasm. Let people in on how much you love your products, this can help you promote your business easily.

Here is a great tip for successful internet promotion. Have a clear and stated goal on the front page of your site. This page is about selling your product. Your viewer should be able to see what you?re selling and whether they want it instantly when they see this page. If the viewer has to dig for what he or she is looking for, they are sure to leave quickly.

It?s important enough to say again and again: The increased visibility that Online marketing can give to your business is a tremendous opportunity. Most consumers now turn to the Internet to find the products and services they need. Use the tips in this article to get started, and market your business online.

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Immediate Health Risk Must Be Weighed Against Radiation-Induced Cancer Risk

Main Category: Radiology / Nuclear Medicine
Also Included In: Cancer / Oncology
Article Date: 29 Dec 2012 - 0:00 PST

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Immediate Health Risk Must Be Weighed Against Radiation-Induced Cancer Risk

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The lifetime risks of cancer from medical radiation may be overemphasized relative to more immediate health risks, according to a new study published online in the journal Radiology.

Radiation exposure from computed tomography (CT) and other medical sources has drawn considerable media attention in recent years. Stories warning of the dangers often focus on the lifetime risk estimates of radiation-induced cancer from repeat examinations. This approach has limitations, said Pari V. Pandharipande, M.D., M.P.H., abdominal and genitourinary imaging specialist at Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School in Boston, especially in regard to clinical decision making.

Physicians often order imaging exams to diagnose, treat or monitor life-threatening conditions. The immediate or near-term risk of death from the condition should be taken into account when weighing the benefits of an exam against a potential future risk of radiation-induced cancer from imaging.

"This must be considered when physicians make imaging decisions for their patients, because the timing of risks changes their relevance," Dr. Pandharipande said. "Risks incurred later in life are not the same as those faced in the present. If you had to choose between the chance of incurring a serious risk now or later in life, most people would choose the latter."

Dr. Pandharipande and colleagues recently used CT radiation dose data and mathematical models to better understand the risk-benefit dynamic of medical radiation. They projected outcomes for testicular cancer patients who undergo CT surveillance in the decade after orchiectomy, or removal of the testicle.

"Testicular cancer affects younger men, and patients treated for early-stage cancer receive several CT scans during surveillance," Dr. Pandharipande said. "These patients do very well, but they have a greater risk of radiation-induced cancer later in life."

Based on the results of their analysis, the researchers projected that 33-year-old men with early-stage cancer who undergo CT surveillance incur a slightly higher lifetime mortality risk from testicular cancer compared with potential radiation-induced cancers. Because the testicular cancer risk was more immediate, life expectancy loss attributable to testicular cancer was more than three times greater than life expectancy loss attributable to radiation-induced cancers.

The trends were consistent across all the scenarios studied, and put forth a useful concept to help physicians with decision making.

"Radiation-induced cancer risks, often discussed at the population level, can be challenging to conceptualize and apply to imaging decisions that have to be made at the patient level," Dr. Pandharipande said. "We as physicians can benefit from dedicated educational efforts to improve decision making and better convey the risks to patients."

Although the study focused on testicular cancer patients, concepts pertaining to the timing of radiation-induced cancer risk translate to other scenarios where CT is needed to avert a more immediate health risk, Dr. Pandharipande noted.

Article adapted by Medical News Today from original press release. Click 'references' tab above for source.
Visit our radiology / nuclear medicine section for the latest news on this subject. "Patients with Testicular Cancer Undergoing CT Surveillance Demonstrate a Pitfall of Radiation-induced Cancer Risk Estimates: The Timing Paradox." Collaborating with Dr. Pandharipande were Jonathan D. Eisenberg, B.A., Richard J. Lee, M.D., Ph.D., Michael E. Gilmore, M.B.A., Ekin A. Turan, B.S., Sarabjeet Singh, M.D., Mannudeep K. Kalra, M.D., Bob Liu, Ph.D., Chung Yin Kong, Ph.D., and G. Scott Gazelle, M.D., M.P.H.

Radiology is edited by Herbert Y. Kressel, M.D., Harvard Medical School, Boston, Mass., and owned and published by the Radiological Society of North America, Inc.

Radiological Society of North America

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'Immediate Health Risk Must Be Weighed Against Radiation-Induced Cancer Risk'

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Israel eases ban on building material for Gaza

GAZA (Reuters) - Israel eased its blockade of Gaza on Sunday, allowing a shipment of gravel for private construction into the Palestinian territory for the first time since Hamas seized control in 2007.

A Palestinian official with knowledge of an Egyptian-brokered ceasefire that ended eight days of fighting last month between Israel and Gaza militants said the move had been expected as part of the deal.

"This is the first time gravel has been allowed into Gaza for the Palestinian private sector since the blockade," said Raed Fattouh, the Palestinian official overseeing the shipment of 20 truckloads of the material.

Israel tightened the blockade after Hamas, an Islamist group that refuses to recognize the Jewish state, took power five years ago. But under international pressure, Israel began to ease the restrictions in 2010 and has allowed international aid agencies to import construction material.

The gravel was transferred a day after Egypt allowed building material into Gaza through its Rafah crossing, departing from a six-year ban. It was part of a shipment donated by the Gulf Arab state of Qatar, which has pledged $400 million to finance reconstruction.

Gaza economists say nearly 70 percent of the enclave's commercial needs - including building material and fuel - were being met through shipments via Israel and a network of smuggling tunnels running under the Egyptian border.

One Palestinian official said Israeli counterparts had promised "other building items" would be allowed into Gaza in the coming days.

"Israel has promised to ease the blockade more if the truce continues to hold," said the official, who asked not to be identified.

Israeli Vice Prime Minister Silvan Shalom, speaking to reporters in Jerusalem, said more than 300 truckloads of goods have been moving from Israel to the Gaza Strip on a daily basis.

"They can have much more if they would like to," he said.

(Editing by Jeffrey Heller and Angus MacSwan)


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Saturday, December 29, 2012

Bundesbanker calls for limits on bank lending to government

FRANKFURT (Reuters) - The vice president of Germany's Bundesbank has proposed setting limits for how much banks can lend to governments and backing such exposures with adequate capital to make them less reliant on taxpayers' help in crisis times.

Sabine Lautenschlaeger, who is also a member of the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision which wrote the new global banking standards known as Basel III, told Reuters current regulation was setting the wrong incentives.

During the debt crisis, banks especially in troubled euro zone countries like Spain and Italy increasingly bought government debt and under Basel III they don't have to set capital aside to counter possible default risks.

"In the medium term for sovereign debt, there should be limits for overall exposure and capital should be required, which adequately reflects the risk," Lautenschlaeger said. "Regulation so far is setting the wrong incentives."

"But it has to be done with caution, for example with transition periods, because credit institutions and states need time to adjust," she added. "In the end, such a step would strengthen banks' resilience and thereby markets' confidence."

Another step that would boost confidence would be a swift implementation of Basel III, which world leaders approved in late 2010 and that now needs to be put into domestic law.

"It is very important that Basel III is implemented as soon as possible, I would like it to be next year. Whether it will be summer or winter is not that important," she urged lawmakers.

Europe and the United States, the world's two largest banking markets, will miss the globally-agreed January deadline.

Lautenschlaeger said her U.S. colleagues in the Basel Committee had stressed that they wanted to implement Basel III, but they hadn't been able to give a date when they would do so.


Lautenschlaeger's calls for a cap on banks' exposure to government debt echoes earlier comments by Bundesbank President Jens Weidmann, who had raised the issue back in November as a means to break the negative feedback loop between indebted states and troubled banks.

The planned banking union also aims to address the close tie by putting a new European banking supervision regime under the roof of the ECB, as well as with a scheme to wind down banks and a combined means of deposit protection to prevent bank runs.

Lautenschlaeger praised the agreement struck earlier this month to put the ECB in charge to directly police at least 150 of the euro zone's biggest banks from 2014 and intervene in smaller banks at the first sign of trouble.

But she questioned whether the new supervisory body's proposed operating structure was in line with EU law.

"To my understanding, the ECB Governing Council should only be able to approve or reject proposals made by the supervisory board; it should not be able to include own ideas. Beyond that an arbitration committee was introduced," she explained, adding that this was done to separate supervisory and monetary policy.

"It is questionable whether this is possible under EU law, and whether it is justified that the ECB Council will be responsible for administrative decisions without direct scope for influencing them," Lautenschlaeger said.

German magazine der Spiegel reported earlier this month that the Bundesbank had serious reservations about the legal framework.

(Reporting by Eva Kuehnen and Alexander Huebner; editing by Patrick Graham)


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National Rifle Association vows to fight arms trade treaty at U.N.

UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - The leading U.S. pro-gun group, the National Rifle Association, has vowed to fight a draft international treaty to regulate the $70 billion global arms trade and dismissed suggestions that a recent U.S. school shooting bolstered the case for such a pact.

The U.N. General Assembly voted on Monday to restart negotiations in mid-March on the first international treaty to regulate conventional arms trade after a drafting conference in July collapsed because the U.S. and other nations wanted more time. Washington supported Monday's U.N. vote.

U.S. President Barack Obama has come under intense pressure to tighten domestic gun control laws after the December 14 shooting massacre of 20 children and six educators at an elementary school in Newtown, Connecticut. His administration has since reiterated its support for a global arms treaty that does not curtail U.S. citizens' rights to own weapons.

Arms control campaigners say one person every minute dies as a result of armed violence and a convention is needed to prevent illicitly traded guns from pouring into conflict zones and fueling wars and atrocities.

In an interview with Reuters, NRA President David Keene said the Newtown massacre has not changed the powerful U.S. gun lobby's position on the treaty. He also made clear that the Obama administration would have a fight on its hands if it brought the treaty to the U.S. Senate for ratification.

"We're as opposed to it today as we were when it first appeared," he said on Thursday. "We do not see anything in terms of the language and the preamble as being any kind of guarantee of the American people's rights under the Second Amendment."

The Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution protects the right to bear arms. Keene said the pact could require the U.S. government to enact legislation to implement it, which the NRA fears could lead to tighter restrictions on gun ownership.

He added that such a treaty was unlikely to win the two-thirds majority in the U.S. Senate necessary for approval.

"This treaty is as problematic today in terms of ratification in the Senate as it was six months ago or a year ago," Keene said. Earlier this year a majority of senators wrote to Obama urging him to oppose the treaty.

U.N. delegates and gun-control activists say the July treaty negotiations fell apart largely because Obama, fearing attacks from Republican rival Mitt Romney before the November 6 election if his administration was seen as supporting the pact, sought to kick the issue past the U.S. vote.

U.S. officials have denied those allegation.

The NRA claimed credit for the July failure, calling it at the time "a big victory for American gun owners."


The main reason the arms trade talks are taking place at all is that the United States - the world's biggest arms trader, which accounts for more than 40 percent of global transfers in conventional arms - reversed U.S. policy on the issue after Obama was first elected and decided in 2009 to support a treaty.

Supporters of the treaty accuse the NRA of deceiving the American public about the pact, which they say will have no impact on U.S. domestic gun ownership and would apply only to exports. Last week, Amnesty International launched a campaign to counter what it said were NRA distortions about the treaty.

"The NRA is telling lies about the arms treaty to try to block U.S. government support," Michelle Ringuette of Amnesty International USA said about the campaign. "The NRA's leadership must stop interfering in U.S. foreign policy on behalf of the arms industry."

Jeff Abramson of Control Arms said that as March approaches, "the NRA is going to be challenged in ways it never has before and that can affect the way things go" with the U.S. government.

The draft treaty under discussion specifically excludes arms-related "matters which are essentially within the domestic jurisdiction of any State."

Among its key provisions is a requirement that governments make compliance with human rights norms a condition for foreign arms sales. It would also have states ban arms transfers when there is reason to believe weapons or ammunition might be diverted to problematic recipients or end up on illicit markets.

Keene said the biggest problem with the treaty is that it regulates civilian arms, not just military weapons.

According to the Small Arms Survey, roughly 650 million of the 875 million weapons in the world are in the hands of civilians. That, arms control advocates say, is why any arms trade treaty must regulate both military and civilian weapons.

Keene said the NRA would actively participate in the fight against the arms trade treaty in the run-up to the March negotiations. "We will be involved," he warned, adding that it was not clear if the NRA would address U.N. delegates directly as the group did in July.

The NRA has successfully lobbied members of Congress to stop major new gun restrictions in the United States since the 1994 assault weapons ban, which expired in 2004. It also gives financial backing to pro-gun candidates.


European and other U.N. delegates who support the arms trade treaty told Reuters on condition of anonymity they hoped Newtown would boost support for the convention in the United States, where gun control is an explosive political issue.

"Newtown has opened the debate within the United States on weapons controls in ways that it has not been opened in the past," Abramson said, adding that "the conversation within the U.S. will give the (Obama) administration more leeway."

Keene rejected the idea of bringing the Newtown tragedy into the discussion of an arms trade treaty.

"I find it interesting that some of the folks that advocate the treaty say it would have no impact whatever within the United States but that it needs to be passed to prevent another occurrence of a school shooting such as took place in Newtown," he said. "Both of those positions can't be correct."

Obama administration officials have tried to explain to U.S. opponents of the arms trade pact that the treaty under discussion would not affect domestic gun sales and ownership.

"Our objectives for the ATT (arms trade treaty) have not changed," a U.S. official told Reuters. "We seek a treaty that fights illicit arms trafficking and proliferation, protects the sovereign right of states to conduct legitimate arms trade, and meets the concerns that we have articulated throughout."

"In particular, we will not accept any treaty that infringes on the constitutional rights of U.S. citizens to bear arms," the official added.

Supporters of the treaty also worry that major arms producers like Russia, China, Iran, India, Pakistan and others could seek to render the treaty toothless by including loopholes and making key provisions voluntary, rather than mandatory.

The United States, like all other U.N. member states, can effectively veto the treaty since the negotiations will be conducted on the basis of consensus. That means the treaty must receive unanimous support in order to be approved in March.

But if it fails in March, U.N. delegations can put it to a vote in the 193-nation General Assembly, where diplomats say it would likely secure the required two-thirds majority.

(Editing by Todd Eastham)


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Friday, December 28, 2012

GLHFCasting ? auto insurance-86322

auto insurance 86322 Every year, more drivers hit our roads and freeways. With the increasing number of vehicles on the road, crashes are going to happen. The difference between a small aggravation and large obstacle can be your car insurance. But why do you need to own insurance and just how much should you purchase? Your car insurance may be able to pay for the expenses from a car crash ranging from car repairs to replacement costs. Every state and province requires car insurance by law. By not purchasing insurance, you run the risk of having to pay the full price of the harm you cause others or to repair or replace your car if it is damaged or stolen. Liability: Liability pays for the expenses you are responsible for in a car collision, including property damage and injury. Damages from bodily injury can include medical fees, lost wages, and pain and suffering. Property damage includes car repair costs and loss of use of property. If you are sued, it also pays your legal fees. Recommended, higher levels of insurance are available that take care of more events than the stripped-down, state-mandated varieties. Personal Injury Protection: This type of insurance pays for all medical treatment for you and your passengers, regardless of who was at fault in the accident. It is sometimes referred to as no-fault coverage. The minimum amount of this insurance is usually set by local government. Medical Payments: Medical payment coverage can be purchased in states that are not considered no-fault; it will pay despite who carries responsibility for a crash. All necessary medical or funeral expenses will be paid for under this insurance policy. Collision: Pays for damages to your car caused by a collision. Comprehensive: Cover your car from damages from other sources when you buy this type of coverage. This may include protection from robbery, vandalism, and weather damage. Uninsured Motorist: If you are hit by a driver without insurance, this type of insurance coverage will protect you. Under-Insured Motorist: There are other drivers who have liability insurance that might not be able to cover all the expenses they are responsible for. This type of insurance covers you in accidents involving those drivers. Emergency road service, car rental, and other varieties of coverage can also be purchased.


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Consumer sentiment weakens as fiscal crisis looms

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Consumer confidence fell more than expected in December, hitting a four-month low as a looming fiscal crisis sapped what had been a growing sense of optimism about the economy.

Other data on Thursday showed the number of Americans filing new claims for unemployment aid fell last week to nearly its lowest level in 4 1/2 years, while new home sales last month hit their highest level since April 2010.

The Conference Board, an industry group, said its index of consumer attitudes fell to 65.1 from 71.5 in November.

Gauges of business sentiment have weakened recently on worries about $600 billion in tax hikes and government spending cuts scheduled for early January. Now consumers also appear apprehensive, a sign worries about the so-called "fiscal cliff" could bite into household spending.

"People are hearing about (the cliff) and it negatively impacts confidence and investor sentiment and even holiday sales," said Todd Schoenberger, managing partner at Landcolt Capital in New York.

Also, with business sentiment weakening in recent months as the fiscal cliff has approached, many economists think hiring may remain sluggish even as the pace of layoffs ease.

The Labor Department said initial claims for state unemployment benefits dropped 12,000 to a seasonally adjusted 350,000, the Labor Department said. That was lower than analysts' forecasts for 360,000 new claims last week.

"This recent improvement in the claims data is potentially a favorable signal for the labor market," said Daniel Silver, an economist at JPMorgan in New York.

After spiking in the wake of a mammoth storm that ravaged the East Coast in late October, the weekly levels of new claims have now dropped to their lowest levels since the early days of the 2007-09 recession. The four-week moving average fell 11,250 last week to 356,750, the lowest since March 2008.

The claims data for last week has no direct relation to the Labor Department's monthly employment report, but suggests the surge in layoffs since the recession has at least run its course.

Companies in recent months have been adding to their payrolls at a lackluster pace, and analysts expect the monthly employment report due on January 4 will show 143,000 jobs created in December, down from 146,000 in November.

Analysts said the holiday season can make it more difficult to seasonally adjust the claims data, another reason to be cautious.

"There is usually a high margin of error in predicting the monthly payroll number," said Michelle Meyer, senior economist at Bank of America Merrill Lynch at New York. "That's even more the case this month from the residual effects of the hurricane and year-end seasonal adjustments," she said.

U.S. stocks opened flat, while longer-dated U.S. Treasuries rose after the data and after Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said it was unlikely a budget deal would be reached before year end.

Following a truncated holiday break in Hawaii, U.S. President Barack Obama has returned to Washington to restart negotiations to avert the fiscal cliff, which if not averted would likely put the U.S. economy back into recession.

The signs of progress in the claims data also included a caveat, at least for the latest week.

Obama declared Monday a holiday for federal workers and many state offices followed suit and were unable to provide complete data for last week's jobless claims. Data for 19 states was estimated, a Labor Department official said.

Fourteen of those states, including Texas and California, submitted their own estimates, which tend to be fairly accurate because the state officials work with a significant amount of data, the Labor Department official said.

Analysts said the holiday season was another reason to be cautious about the report's positive tenor. Also, with business sentiment weakening in recent months as the fiscal cliff has approached, many economists think businesses are holding back on hiring.

"A significant improvement in labor market conditions ahead of any resolution to the fiscal cliff is unlikely," said Michael Gapen, an economist at Barclays in New York.

Separately, the Commerce Department said new U.S. single-family home sales accelerated in November to a 377,000-unit annual rate while the median sales price jumped 14.9 percent from the same month in 2011, signs that the U.S. housing recovery is gaining some steam.

In a fourth report, the Chicago Federal Reserve said its index of factory activity in the U.S. Midwest increased in November to 93.7 from a revised 92.2 in October.

(Reporting by Jason Lange; Additional reporting by Richard Leong and Ryan Vlastelica in New York; Editing by Neil Stempleman)


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8 Goals to Become a Successful Motivational Speaker in a Year - 8 ...

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It?s that time of year again ? time to think about next year and the goals you want to set so that you become a successful motivational speaker.

The best way to set goals is to first sit down and do a personal inventory of where you actually are with your dream. You may want to become a motivational speaker, but you?ve only talked in front of less than a dozen people, Or maybe you?ve talked in front of some groups, but you haven?t figured out what your ?message? should be.

Remember that dream achievement is a process ? a journey ? and it?s a journey that needs a road map. Setting goals is the easiest way to map out your journey and stay the course.

1. Join Toastmasters or a public speaking group.
All public speakers need a place to practice with a professional public speaking group.?Public speaking groups are is an inexpensive way to improve your public speaking skills and test your message on a small group of people. It?s also a great way to get the word out about your public speaking abilities. Companies looking for conference speakers often contact public speaking groups for speaker recommendations.

2. Decide what your message is.
Just like blogging, public speaking success requires a distinct niche message. Don?t try to be a public speaker who talks about everything and anything and the same is especially true if the motivational sector is your public speaking choice. What kind of motivation are you offering? To girls? Women? Men? Business? What is the purpose of your motivational message?

3. Write a short book.
The best way to move your public speaking career forward is to create a book around your niche topic. Most conferences want public speakers who have a published book. Consider putting together a small book on your message. People like to have a physical representation of your message to take home with them and review later. Provide them with a take-away. ?Also create a newsletter that people can sign up for on?your?website?where?you can email them on your niche subject.

4. Register with public speaking bureaus. Here?s an example list ?

5. Design your agreement and your terms for speaking along with your pre-program questionnaire.
Professionals have contracts and pre-program questionnaires ready to fax to potential speaking engagement coordinators. ?Some great contract examples are here on the Be A Speaker website and here?in an Ezine Article. ?Here?s a great pre-program questionnaire example. ?If you haven?t already, create a Speaker One-Sheet.

6. Create a professional website or blog.
A simple website or blog covering information about you as a public speaker is one of the best ways to secure public speaking engagements. Authority Publishing has the following great recommendations for what should be on your public speaking site -

    • Summarize your areas of expertise and what you have to offer.
    • Presentation title and description.
    • Testimonials from past speaking engagements.
    • List of past clients.
    • Video of a past presentations (A must in order to be booked by speaker?s bureaus).
    • Fees and booking information.
    • Contact information.
    • A printable version of you Speaker Sheet.
    • An attractive, professional photo of yourself.
    • Links to your PowerPoint presentations.

7. Speak for free at local community organizations and schools.
Small community organizations are always looking fro speakers to offer their members. Contact local volunteer community organisations and let them know that you are available to speak for free. This is a great way to test your message and practice speaking in front of professionals. Make sure to list these events on your website.

8. Create a public speaking rolling suitcase.
Begin to collect everything you will need to have with you when you travel to events. You should have plenty of professional business cards, copies of your book, ways to purchase your book (do you only accept cash or check?), your marketing materials, pens and paper, a way for people to sign up for your mailing list to?receive?your?newsletter,?extra?computer batters, internet cables, extension cords, tablecloth, bottled water, mints, aspirin, antacid, and anything else you think you might need for speaking events. ?Creating a checklist of the items will also help you remember when you need to replenish your suitcase stock

Completing each one of these 8 goals next year will take you one step closer to your public speaking dream. Set a time-frame for each one and write a contract to yourself, promising to complete them within a certain period of time.

These are a few of my personal goals for the coming year. What are yours?

Who knows. Maybe I?ll find myself speaking with you on a motivational speaker?s tour next year!

Just pursue it -


Thursday, December 27, 2012

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Police: Cowboys' Brent had 0.189 BAC after crash

Dallas Cowboys nose tackle Joshua Brent, center, and his attorney George Miller, obscured at right, leave court in Dallas, Tuesday, Dec. 18, 2012. A judge ordered Brent to wear an electronic monitor pending his trial on an intoxication manslaughter charge in the one-car crash that killed a teammate. State District Judge Fred Tinsley also lowered Brent's bond from $500,000 to $100,000. (AP Photo/David Woo, Pool)

Dallas Cowboys nose tackle Joshua Brent, center, and his attorney George Miller, obscured at right, leave court in Dallas, Tuesday, Dec. 18, 2012. A judge ordered Brent to wear an electronic monitor pending his trial on an intoxication manslaughter charge in the one-car crash that killed a teammate. State District Judge Fred Tinsley also lowered Brent's bond from $500,000 to $100,000. (AP Photo/David Woo, Pool)

Dallas Cowboys defensive tackle Joshua Brent sits in Dallas County 195th District Court on Tuesday, Dec.18, 2012 for a bond reduction hearing. Brent is charged with intoxication manslaughter after a Dec. 8 crash that resulted in the death of his passenger, fellow teammate Jerry Brown. A judge has ordered Brent to wear an electronic monitor while free on bond. (AP Photo/The Dallas Morning News, Pool)

Dallas Cowboys nose tackle Joshua Brent, center, and his attorney George Miller, right, leave court in Dallas, Tuesday, Dec. 18, 2012. A judge ordered Brent to wear an electronic monitor pending his trial on an intoxication manslaughter charge in the one-car crash that killed a teammate. State District Judge Fred Tinsley also lowered Brent's bond from $500,000 to $100,000. (AP Photo/David Woo, Pool)

DALLAS (AP) ? Dallas Cowboys nose tackle Josh Brent had a blood-alcohol content of 0.189, more than twice the legal limit, after the car crash that killed teammate and friend Jerry Brown, according to documents released by police Thursday.

The 24-year-old Brent was tested after the crash in the early hours of Dec. 8 and the Texas legal limit for drivers is 0.08 percent. One report said Brent was intoxicated, driving over the speed limit and swerving out of one lane when he struck a curb in Irving, a suburb of Dallas, causing the car to flip over.

The crash report also says Brent was driving with an expired and suspended driver's license obtained in Illinois, where he pleaded guilty three years ago to driving under the influence, a misdemeanor.

Brown was pronounced dead at a Dallas hospital. Brent was arrested and indicted Wednesday on one count of intoxication manslaughter. He faces up to 20 years in prison if convicted, though he could also receive probation. Brent is free on $100,000 bond and required to wear an alcohol monitor. His attorney, George Milner, did not return a phone message Thursday.

Authorities say they also found an unopened bottle of Cognac liquor in searching Brent's Mercedes sedan, along with "multiple receipts" and his iPad and cellphone. Brent and Brown reportedly spent at least part of Friday night at the club Privae Dallas. The iPad and cellphone found in the Mercedes have information "from the events prior to and during the crash that will aid this investigation," other warrants said.

The 25-year-old Brown was on the Cowboys practice squad and played with Brent at the University of Illinois. The two men have been described as close friends. Brent has been placed on the NFL reserve/non-football illness list and won't play again this season.

No court dates in his case have been scheduled.

Associated Press


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Putin says he will sign anti-U.S. adoptions bill

MOSCOW (AP) ? Russian President Vladimir Putin said Thursday he will sign a controversial bill barring Americans from adopting Russian children, as the Kremlin's children's rights advocate recommended extending the ban to the rest of the world.

The bill is part of the country's increasingly confrontational stance with the West and has angered some Russians who argue it victimizes kids to make a political point.

The law would block dozens of Russian children now in the process of being adopted by American families from leaving the country and cut off a major route out of often dismal orphanages. Russia is the single biggest source of adopted children in the U.S., with more than 60,000 Russian children being taken in by Americans over the past two decades.

"I still don't see any reasons why I should not sign it," Putin said at a televised meeting. He went on to say that he "intends" to do so.

UNICEF estimates that there are about 740,000 children not in parental custody in Russia, while only 18,000 Russians are now waiting to adopt a child. Russian officials say they want to encourage more Russians to adopt Russian orphans.

Children rights ombudsman Pavel Astakhov on Thursday petitioned the president to extend the ban to other countries.

"There is huge money and questionable people involved in the semi-legal schemes of exporting children," he tweeted.

Kremlin critics say Astakhov is trying to extend the ban only to get more publicity and win more favors with Putin. A graduate of the KGB law school and a celebrity lawyer, Astakhov was a pro-Putin activist before becoming a children rights ombudsman and is now seen as the Kremlin's voice on adoption issues.

"This is cynicism beyond limits," opposition leader Ilya Yashin tweeted. "The children rights ombudsman is depriving children of a future."

The bill is retaliation for an American law that calls for sanctions against Russian officials deemed to be human rights violators. Kremlin critics say that means Russian officials who own property in the West and send their children to Western schools would lose access to their assets and families.

Putin said U.S. authorities routinely let Americans suspected of violence toward Russian adoptees go unpunished ? a clear reference to Dima Yakovlev, a Russian toddler for whom the bill is named. The child was adopted by Americans and then died in 2008 after his father left him in a car in broiling heat for hours. The father was found not guilty of involuntary manslaughter.

The U.S. State Department says it regrets the Russian Parliament's decision to pass the bill, saying it would prevent many children from growing up in families.

Astakhov said Wednesday that 46 children who were about to be adopted in the United States would remain in Russia if the bill comes into effect.

The adoption of the bill follows weeks of hysterical media campaign on Kremlin-controlled television that lambasts American adoptive parents and adoption agencies that allegedly bribe their way into getting Russian children.

A few lawmakers claimed that some Russian children were adopted by Americans only to be used for organ transplants and become sex toys or cannon fodder for the U.S. Army.

Critics of the bill have left dozens of stuffed toys and candles outside the parliament's lower and upper houses to express solidarity with Russian orphans.

The U.S. law, called the Magnitsky Act, stems from the case of Sergei Magnitsky, a Russian lawyer who died in jail after being arrested by police officers whom he accused of a $230 million tax fraud. The law prohibits officials allegedly involved in his death from entering the U.S.


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Monday, December 24, 2012

8 New Etiquette Rules for Using Gadgets in the Office

As the use of personal technology increases at work, it's important to observe some new etiquette rules about how we use it. Here are eight of the most important rules to follow at work when it comes to cell phones, email, and other modern technology.

1. Using speaker phone when others can hear you. Playing back your voicemail messages on speaker phone or conducting an entire call on speaker phone is distracting to people trying to work around you. Even if you're in an office with the door closed, speakerphone noises tend to travel. Don't value your hands-free convenience over the ability of others to focus on their work.

2. Keeping your cell phone out so you can glance at it during meetings. Glancing down at your phone while you're supposed to be focused on a meeting signals that you're bored, not fully engaged, or don't respect the time of the people you're meeting with. If you must keep your phone out because you're expecting an important call or text, explain that at the start of the meeting so that people don't assume you're just being rude.

3. Don't overuse "reply all." When multiple people are included on an email chain, they don't all need to see your reply of "thanks" or "will do." Only use "reply all" if everyone included truly needs to see your response; otherwise, stick with "reply" so your response goes only to the sender and doesn't clutter multiple in-boxes.

4. Don't email and phone with the same message; pick one or the other. Nothing is more annoying than starting to read an email, only to have the email's sender pop his head in your office to repeat the same message.

5. Turn off your cell phone's ringer if you leave it behind while you're away from your desk. Ask any office worker, and you'll hear stories about the annoying guy who leaves his phone behind with his ringer on full-volume while he goes to meetings ... leaving his co-workers forced to hear repeated renditions of "Who Let the Dogs Out" or whatever else he's chosen for his ringtone.

6. Placing calls from a noisy location. If you make a call, ensure you're somewhere where you and the person you're speaking with will be able to hear each other--and where you can give your full focus. It's irritating to get a call from someone who immediately puts you on hold to order coffee because she just reached the front of the line.

7. Keep religious and political messages out of your email signature. Including religious or political messages is likely to offend or at least irritate some of your recipients, and introduces topics that don't belong in a professional setting. Keep your sign-off neutral and professional.

8. Don't use your work email as your personal email. In most offices, sending occasional personal emails from your work account is fine, but you should use your personal account for most personal things. If you treat your work email as your default personal account, chances are good that when you leave your job and your inbox and sent folder are full of personal messages, one of your co-workers will be stuck reading through all of them, as they clean out your account for your replacement. In the best case scenario, that's merely a nuisance for a co-worker --but in the worst case scenario, it could lead to embarrassing revelations.

Alison Green writes the popular Ask a Manager blog, where she dispenses advice on career, job search, and management issues. She's also the co-author of Managing to Change the World: The Nonprofit Manager's Guide to Getting Results, and former chief of staff of a successful nonprofit organization, where she oversaw day-to-day staff management, hiring, firing, and employee development.


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Thursday, December 20, 2012

The Case Of The Made-Up BioWare Interview

The Case Of The Made-Up BioWare InterviewSometimes people tell lies on the Internet. That's no news if you've spent any time on a computer, where finding the truth is no simple task. Pranksters on the web make things up all the time.

But last week, we saw something rather uncommon even for the Internet's standards: an interview with BioWare that was made up entirely. And we've talked to the person behind it, who tells us that he expected to be caught.


On December 5, a website called GamerSyndrome published an interview that they said was with BioWare. Although there was no name attributed to the BioWare representative, none of the answers seemed strange or out of the ordinary. In other words, it seemed legit.

A week later, as sometimes happens with these things, the interview started to make its way around the gaming press. One particularly newsworthy piece of information?that the new Mass Effect wouldn't be out until 2014 or 2015?spread to a bunch of major websites: IGN, Eurogamer, GameSpot, and yes, even Kotaku.

Then, something rather unusual happened. BioWare's Mike Gamble tweeted that the whole thing was a lie. When I followed up with BioWare, they echoed Gamble's tweet:

"We were working with that outlet on an interview, but at no time did anyone from EA or BioWare provide any answers to questions from GamerSyndrome," a BioWare rep told me in an e-mail.

Strange and stranger. I reached out to GamerSyndrome's managing editor for comment, but he wouldn't say much more than what he had written on his website:

This interview has been removed and the author responsible for this post has been terminated from the team. The information provided previously by the author of this post was deemed to be obtained from an inaccurate source and NOT an official Bioware or EA interview response. We apologize for the inconvenience and the matter is being dealt with severely.

Over the past few days, I've been in touch with the writer of the interview, a 25-year-old college student who agreed to speak with me under condition of anonymity. Although you can find his name on the byline of his interview, the writer would only speak to me if I agreed not to use it.

At first he said that he had been conned by someone claiming to have been from BioWare. He said that the conman had made up answers to all of his questions. He said there were e-mails on his GamerSyndrome account that could prove this, but he couldn't get to them, because he was no longer with GamerSyndrome.

For the past few days I've been trying to piece together and verify that story. Until today, when he sent me another e-mail.

"Look, it's not fair that I do this to you or to anyone," he said. "What I've told you isn't correct. Here's the actual truth.

"The entire article was fake, I didn't talk to anyone for it. No one had ever hired me to write for a gaming website before, so I was trying so hard to impress them. I wanted them to see the interview and be impressed by what I wrote. When BioWare didn't respond with the answers to my questions I decided to finish the post myself. I took quotes from past BioWare interviews and inserted them into my post, as well as quotes from The Art of Mass Effect and The Final Hours of Mass Effect 3. I didn't expect the article to go anywhere so I thought nothing of it. However, I'm sorry for the article. There's nothing right with what I did and I apologize to anyone who was misled by this article."

So why? What drives someone to make up an entire interview like that? What's the logic behind it?

"I had been talking the interview up among the writers on GamerSyndrome and they all seemed so impressed with the fact that I could get an interview with [BioWare]," the writer told me. "Plus the administrator of GamerSyndrome seemed super impressed by it [so] I felt I needed to get the article up. I had been promising the article for a few months and BioWare had yet to respond to the email containing our questions. I felt that I had to get the article up, otherwise no one would think it was something."

I asked him if he thought he'd be found out. "Truthfully, yes I did think I would get caught," he said. "I didn't do it with the intent of deceiving people or spreading around lies. I only did it because I wanted to get the article finished and move on from it."

He wanted to be a games reporter. He just wanted to get the big scoop, impress his friends and peers at GamerSyndrome and elsewhere. But now he thinks he's sabotaged his dream.

"I don't plan on ever writing for a website again because of this situation," he said. "It was not fair for me to do this and all I can do now is say I'm sorry."


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Mike Thibault named coach and general manager of the Washington Mystics

Mike Thibault named coach and general manager of the Washington Mystics

Mike Thibault is the Washington Mystics new head coach and general manager.

His press conference.

Exclusive Thibault interview.

Photo gallery.

Thibault didn't mince words today.


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Video: The need for 'action' on gun control

Extreme traveler flies 1 million miles in a year

As one of the world?s most frequent fliers, Tom Stuker will receive an annual mileage statement many travelers won?t see after a lifetime of globetrotting ? he is the first passenger to fly 1 million miles on United Airlines in a calendar year, reaching the milestone earlier this month.


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Monday, December 17, 2012

Holiday E-Commerce Sales Up 13 Percent To $34B; This Past Week Was Heaviest Online Shopping Period On Record

Five-Day U.S. Online Spending Total for Most Recent Workweek Surpasses $5 Billion as Four Individual Days Surpass $1 Billion in Sales - comScore, InccomSocre just released its holiday e-commerce numbers for the week, and according to the report, this past week was the heaviest five-day online shopping period on record. So far, retail e-commerce spending for the first 44 days of the November?December 2012 holiday season was $33.8 billion up 13 percent.


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Saturday, December 15, 2012

Engadget's CES 2013 Preview: Digital Cameras

With CES looming like an electrically charged storm of news and announcements, it's time for us to give you our best bets on what you'll see come January. During the month of December, we'll bring you a series of CES preview posts, forecasting what you can expect when the news deluge begins. For more of what's to come, check out our hub.

Engadget's CES 2013 Preview Digital Cameras

Las Vegas has seen its fair share of digital camera launches, but with the PMA show all but defunct, manufacturers are shifting their focus to overseas events, like Photokina in Cologne, IFA in Berlin and even newcomer CP+ in Yokohama, Japan. That trade show trio helps to keep the international airlines in business, but it doesn't do us much good at CES, when nearly every other consumer electronics category gets a major products boost. That's not to say there won't be any new cameras at all -- PMA does have a small presence at the show, and major players like Canon, Nikon, Samsung and Sony all invest in significant floor space (they'll need some new products to fill their shelves, after all). But announcements are largely spread throughout the year.

Continue reading Engadget's CES 2013 Preview: Digital Cameras

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Sprint HTC EVO 4G LTE Jelly Bean update now available to download

DNP Sprint HTC EVO 4G LTE Jelly Bean update now available to download

After months of waiting and watching other devices get promoted to Jelly Bean status, the HTC EVO 4G LTE is finally getting its day in the sun. Starting today, owners of Sprint's marquee handset can manually make the jump to Android 4.1.1 by tapping through Settings > System updates > HTC software update > Check Now. If that's too much finger work for your liking, the firmware's network push is slated to begin on January 3rd. Aside from a layer of HTC's Sense 4+, this new software adds Jelly Bean's improved browser performance and gives users the option to add custom ringtones that actually work. For a detailed list of what this update brings to the table, check out its changelog after the break.

Continue reading Sprint HTC EVO 4G LTE Jelly Bean update now available to download

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Source: Sprint


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Friday, December 14, 2012

More than 200 genes identified for Crohn's Disease

Dec. 13, 2012 ? More than two hundred gene locations have now been identified for the chronic bowel condition Crohn's Disease, in a study that analysed the entire human genome.

Published today in The American Journal of Human Genetics, scientists at UCL have devised a new method for identifying and mapping gene locations for complex inherited diseases. Using this method, they have been able to identify a large number of additional genes for Crohn's Disease, making a total of more than 200, which is more than have been found for any other disease. For example, there are just 66 known gene-regions for type 2 diabetes.

Crohn's Disease, a type of Inflammatory Bowel Disease, is a chronic illness of complex origins affecting approximately 100 to 150 people per 100,000. Understanding the genetic component of such complex diseases is central to explaining patients' symptoms and improving treatment.

Despite Crohn's having a large genetic component, this has been hard to dissect. This is partly due to the large number of genes involved, their complex interactions with environment and the spectrum of clinical presentations. As a result, many scientists have been focusing on ever larger cohorts of patients under the impression that larger data sets data will give better results.

This study shows how studying smaller but better defined groups can lead to a better understanding of how complex diseases are inherited, and paving the way for personalised treatment.

Dr Nikolas Maniatis, senior author from the UCL Research Department of Genetics, Evolution and Environment, said: "The discovery of so many gene locations for Crohn's Disease is an important step forward in understanding the disease, which has a very complicated genetic basis. We hope that the method we have used here can be used to identify the genes involved in other diseases which are similarly complex, for example different cancers and diabetes."

The research team used UK data provided by the Wellcome Trust Case Control Consortium (WTCCC), which includes genetic information of 1698 CD patients. The team's results were also replicated using independent US data provided by the American National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK), which contains genetic information of 813 patients with CD.

Dr Maniatis said: "The discovery of so many additional genes for Crohn's and much more precise locations within the gene-regions was partly because of the highly informative genetic maps of the human genome that we have used in our approach to locating the genes involved."

He added: "The success of our work was also attributable to the fact that we were able to subdivide patients by disease presentation. Data stratification can help sort out the genetics, and before long genetics will be able to sort out patients."

The team have provided the first clear evidence that some clinical sub-groups of patients are likely to carry different risk genes and their study shows how with a sufficiently powerful method more genes can be found in small groups of patients.

Professor Dallas Swallow, a collaborator and co-author also from the UCL Research Department of Genetics, Evolution & Environment, said: "Some genes are likely to have a large effect and some small, but not all genes will act the same way in all patients. We can combine all this information with that obtained by others from examining cellular and molecular changes to sort this out. This will ultimately lead to more personalised strategies for treatment."

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by University College London, via EurekAlert!, a service of AAAS.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Heather Elding, Winston Lau, Dallas?M. Swallow, Nikolas Maniatis. Refinement in Localization and Identification of Gene Regions Associated with Crohn Disease. The American Journal of Human Genetics, 2012; DOI: 10.1016/j.ajhg.2012.11.004

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Gmail (for iPhone)

Since the release of the standalone Gmail app for iPhone (free), Google has tweaked and fine-tuned its mighty little program to be faster, cleaner, sleeker, and, now it includes support for multiple accounts, more comprehensive. You can already use Gmail on your iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch via the bundled Mail app from Apple, but Google's own app is simply a better experience, especially for search. Many people, I'm sure, will continue to the use Mail as their primary email application because of how it shows you many inboxes from multiple services at once, but you'll want the Gmail app for search at the very least. And if you're solely a Gmail user, it could?and maybe will?replace Apple's Mail app.

Mail vs. Gmail
The Gmail app has a clean and clear design, with a collapsible menu pane appears to the left of the central interface, similar to the Facebook iOS app and the recently released Yahoo! Mail app (free, 4 stars) (and increasingly other apps, too). Toggle the menu open, and it nudges its way into view, taking up not more than half the screen so that it's roomy and easy to read. Here, you can find the requisite Gmail folders, such as Important, Sent, Drafts, and Starred, as well as all the custom folders you've made. Labels, the Trash, and an All Mail button appear at the bottom of the menu, while the top contains a button that lets you quickly switch between your various Gmail accounts.

The Settings, also accessible from a button at the top of the main menu, has one invaluable feature for mobile users: controls for automated vacation response emails. Who hasn't returned from traveling and forgotten to switch off that interminable out-of-office message? And, the moment you remember, you're never by a computer. Now you don't have to be.

There's a menu listing for Chats, although it's not an active messaging service; it's just a folder (which appears in your Web-based Gmail account, too) where your chat dialogs are saved if you enable a setting). When you preview messages, the majority of text in the Gmail app appears in light gray type, indicating read messages. The only time you'll see bold or black is for unread mail. Compared to the bold, black lettering of cascading point sizes used in the Mail app, Gmail's text is much harder to read.

Open a message, and each person on the thread appears in a different color, using the same color-coding scheme seen in the Gmail website. Whoever initiates a new email has her name in green. The first respondent shows up in purple. The third is red, and so on.?Threading the messages in this way is a signature Gmail features, which is why you won't find anything similar in the standalone Yahoo! Mail app, even though the two are quite similar in several other respects.?

Message text appears in whatever color text the sender uses (usually black, with blue for hyperlinks), although other information, such as the sender details in a forwarded message, appear in a harder-to-read light gray.

In terms of search performance, the Gmail app outperforms Mail easily, because it searches your entire mailbox, whereas the Mail app restricts you from searching beyond the folder that's open (usually, it's Inbox). You can search all Gmail mail from the Mail app, but you have to first navigate to the All Mail folder within your Gmail account, and even there it's restricted to the messages that are loaded. The Mail app gives you results letter-by-letter as it finds matches, in part because it's only searching a limited subsection of your entire mailbox. Gmail waits until you've typed all your letters and hit "Search" before embarking on the hunt to match the terms anywhere in your mail.

Which Gmail iPhone App to Use?
Both the Gmail iOS app and the native Mail app connected to a Gmail account do a fine job of getting your messages to you when you're not in front of a full-sized computer. Which one you choose is largely a matter of preference, although I think anyone who uses Gmail nearly exclusively will opt for the official Gmail for iPhone app from Google. It's smooth, fast, and now supports multiple Gmail accounts.

Personally, I use about five email accounts regularly, two of which are Gmail-based, and I use both the Mail app and Gmail app. I like to see from the Mail app the activity across all my personal accounts, whereas I access office email from the Gmail app, where search often matters more than in my personal email.

If search is of the utmost essence, you'll definitely appreciate the Gmail app, even if, like me, you end up using both apps. Gmail is the clear Editors' Choice for email on the iPhone.

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Thursday, December 13, 2012

Gingerbread Cookie Recipe: The Classic And More (PHOTOS)

Even though sugar cookies were the most-loved holiday cookie, the gingerbread cookie is still the most iconic. Sugar cookies can be used for many occasions, but gingerbread cookies are really only good for Christmas. (Gingerbread men can't show their face at Valentine's day or at Easter.) While we brought you a great round-up of gingerbread recipes last week, we realized we were blindly leading you into the holiday season without a classic gingerbread cookie recipe.

We felt bad about that, so we found more than one great recipe. Check them out below and bake your favorite.

Want to read more from HuffPost Taste? Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest and Tumblr.

  • Gingerbread Men

    <strong>Get the <a href="">Gingerbread Men recipe</a></strong>

  • Rye Gingerbread Cookies

    <strong>Get the <a href="">Rye Gingerbread Cookies recipe</a> by Scandi Home</strong>

  • Chewy Chocolate Gingerbread Cookies

    <strong>Get the <a href="">Chewy Chocolate Gingerbread Cookies recipe</a> by Barbara Bakes</strong>

  • Molded Gingerbread Cookies With Clear Sugar Glaze

    <strong>Get the <a href="">Molded Gingerbread Cookies with Clear Sugar Glaze recipe</a> by Cooking Melangery</strong>

  • Crinkled Ginger Molasses Cookies

    <strong>Get the <a href="">Crinkled Ginger Molasses Cookies recipe</a> by Fifteen Spatulas</strong>

  • Chocolate-Gingerbread Cookies

    <strong>Get the <a href="">Chocolate-Gingerbread Cookies recipe</a></strong>

  • Kissed Gingerbread Cookies

    <strong>Get the K<a href="">issed Gingerbread Cookies recipe</a> by Cozy Cottage Cakes</strong>

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