Thursday, September 20, 2012

Self Improvement | The Danger of "When" | The Self Improvement Blog

By Lisa Ryan -

?You say, ?If I had a little more, I should be very satisfied.? You make a mistake. If you are not content with what you have, you would not be satisfied if it were doubled.? Charles Haddon Spurgeon

?WHEN I finish school, I?ll be happy.?, ?WHEN I get married, I?ll be happy.?, ?WHEN I find the ultimate sales job, I?ll be happy.? How many times have you uttered one of these or a similar sentence? I know that I have many times, and it?s not helpful. The word WHEN is not your friend. Consider the blessings you have right NOW. It will not only change your perspective, it helps you attract more of what you want into your life.

Yes, it?s the Law of Attraction at work, ?What you think about, you bring about,? and it?s much more. Have you noticed that when you are happy, good things happen, and when you are sad or mad, events occur that make you sadder or madder? Change your perspective by being grateful for what you have now.

In the movie, ?The Keeper of the Keys,? Marci Shimoff shares what happened when she experienced the day she had always dreamed about. She had just given a talk to over 8000 people and had signed 5000 books at the event. She had two books on the New York Times Best-Seller list and she was staying in the penthouse suite of a five-star hotel. She thought that this would have meant the ultimate night of bliss.

Instead of the joy she expected, she cried herself to sleep that night. It turned out that all of the accoutrements that she thought would bring her happiness weren?t enough. Why? She wasn?t getting to the ?heart? of the matter. She was so busy waiting for the ?when,? she didn?t take time to enjoy the ride. When she took the time to consider what was really important to her and to do some deep inner work, she experienced happiness. She stayed in the present, was grateful for her blessings, and it made all the difference.

When I was in medical sales, I thought that I had landed the primo job of a lifetime. The money was great, I had a company car and I didn?t have to bother paying for gas ? it was everything that I had wished for ? and more. However, over time it was no longer enough. I yearned to pursue something that spoke to my heart ? where I could utilize my creativity, passion.

When the economy took a turn for the worse, and my position was eliminated (right in the nick of time), I was free to do what I wanted to do. I have never been happier. Everything happens for a reason and it?s a blessing.

What events in your life will make you happy WHEN they happen? If you answered that question, stop! Pause, right now and count your blessings. Realize that WHEN you arrive at the ?pinnacle of your personal and professional pursuits,? you are just going to be longing for the next peak. Take the time and enjoy the ride!

Have fun,


The word ?when? is not your friend. Change your vocabulary and you will change your life for the better.

Lisa Ryan is the Chief Appreciation Strategist with Grategy. She is a keynote speaker, gratitude expert, and author of ?The Upside of Down Times: Discovering the Power of Gratitude? and she is featured in the documentary, ?The Keeper of the Keys? with Jack Canfield, Marci Shimoff, and John Gray.

Learn more about Lisa Ryan at

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