Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Year 3000

Year 3000

[Currently not in need of players] The government isn't doing it's job so it's time for someone else to step in and do it for them. Someone else comes in the form of teenage super heroes...


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In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.
-Douglas Adams

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Reserve slots, ask questions, and correct my grammar here!

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Member for 1 years

I got to say this looks really good. I am definitely interested in joining. Can I reserve a slot? I need to go to sleep soon, but I can start working on it tomorrow as I have the day off. One question I have though is how much does the government censor history. Are books from the past readily accessible, do they have restricted access, or would they only be available through restricted means. I'm thinking of doing some sort of history buff for my character.

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Member for 4 years

Hey jedimaster. nice to see you here. i'd like to reserve a male spot.

Last edited by DA_SHADOW_PHOENIX on Mon Aug 13, 2012 10:29 pm, edited 1 time in total. I Used to be Religious like you, but then I took some logic to the head

RELIGION: Fu*k Logic

(this is not meant to offend anyone)
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I'd like to reserve one of the male slots.

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Member for 2 years

Good too see you here too Phoenix. I guess I should say that I am interested in a male slot, however I would be fine taking a female slot.

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Member for 4 years

Can I reserve a female spot plzz!!

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I want a male spot if available

"The laziness is the engine of progress, who invented the wheel was because, obviously, didn't want walk"

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May I reserve a female spot for either superstrength and/or growth into a giantess?

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Member for 2 years

All right, that filled up fast! Fencer, I'm sorry but it doesn't look like there are any male slots (or female slots) open at the moment. However if you'd be interested in playing a supervillan pm me. Demented tiger, your power is up to you to decide, and I'm not going to be taking reserves for powers.

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Member for 1 years

I could make my character a supervillainess. Would that work?

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Member for 2 years

Quick question. I didn't notice any mention of it while reading. With the government censorship is the internet still accessible? And if so what kind of laws surround it?

Oh and whats your limitations on powers? How over powered may we be?

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I sent you a PM (I don't know why, but sometimes my PM don't reach)

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The goverment doesn't do anything so Internet is still accessible. Basically as long as you don't try and overthrow them, they don't care. As for powers, keep in mind that the charechters will not be good at using them at first. I'd also appreciate it if your charas powers have flaws.

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Member for 1 years

I edited Blake's Powers and made it a little more flawed, no body's perfect. and also i kind of like how he has two personality's. It makes drama and conflict, without anyone else. this should be fun.

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Thanks Wild. If anyone plans on running a character that has experience in web design PM me about character relations.

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