Thursday, June 28, 2012

A Song of Ice and Fire

There had been a few RPs dedicated or formed out of the A Song of Ice and Fire Series.
If you have read the books or watched the TV series you are safe to join. This is merely an rp that will be molded out of the place of Westeros and Pentos.
I will be needing your insights and suggestions to further improve the RP but here are some ideas that might be incorporated with in the RP itself.
Do note that Marriage/s (arranged or not) is greatly welcomed but keep off the whole romantic notions out of the RP. Not that I hate romance but I intend for this RP to be more of other feelings (like honor, hate, triumph, etc) rather than googly lovey dovey characters alone.

Often than not, RPs that have too much romance and partnership tend to isolate some characters while killing all the creativeness of the Rpers thus killing the RP.

I want sword fighting, personal ambitions and family to be abundant in the story. This is an RP loosely based on the real story not a romantic fairytale- so don't tell me that I didn't warn you.

So here goes nothing;
The RP itself might start from the following ideas:

1. 70 long winters and 70 short and long summers, the world of Westeros has already been cured from the wounds of the great war since the death of the late Usurper, Robert Baratheon. (Assuming that Daenerys got the throne back ruling the Southern part while the Starks kept the North, Pentos was granted to the Greyjoys and the Arryns kept the Eyrie) and the Great Wall of the North had completely crumbled to the last rock standing.

It was said that the peace became the binding power for the people but Queen Daenerys (aged 80 or 90+) soon reached her death bed without an heir which has once again sparked the ambitions of Lords to take control of the South, knowing that the Starks has no power in the lower region- why should they? When they only rule the North?

So assuming that the current king/queen of the North is the grandchild (or great grandchild) of Robb/ Sansa/ Arya/ Rickon Stark. Ruling over the North when Daenerys Targaryen's life is soon to be taken from her- no heir in line. Different houses offer their services to take over the South- should the Ruler of the North interfere or let the various Houses fight for the throne of the South?

2. Septa Colette tells stories to the young boys of House Jaculus of the stories that once happened to Westeros hundreds of years, it involved Dragons and Wolves big as bears and a war that beheaded thousands of people just for the Throne made of swords. It was a story that Septa Colette told the children whenever they ask for the horrific stories before bed.

House Jaculus is now blessed with 2 sons (Heron and Soren) of Lord Draco Jaculus and Lady Silene Gurges- Jaculus. It is widely known that Lord Draco had taken his seat as the King's hand just as the new king took the Crystal Throne.

The rightful and new King Sal Gurges had taken over the Crystal Throne a few days after his father's death, the late King Pontus.

His wife, Queen Gertrude Bronte- Gurges has given birth twin boys and a girl, Sol, Slynt and Gerona, but died shortly after giving birth to the girl.

Now that the twin boys have reached the age of 16 while the little girl had turned to a beautiful lady of 14, the Kingdom is celebrating good harvest and peaceful keeping of the Kingdom until the wildlings had decided to come together and destroy the peace.

They are now called the Army of SAEVUS, with the help of a few ostracized men who formed a group and fled the Night's Watch. They were lead by the one they used to call the Black Knight- Caligo.

Major Houses:
House Jaculus- Sigil: Serpent (Kings' Hand)
Lord Draco (Son of Drelus Jaculus(+) and Lady Felissa Lannister(+))
Lady Silene (Gurges)(Daughter of Lord Henry Gurges and Lady Sylvia Bronte(+))

Heron (boy of 16)
Soren (boy of 14)

House Gurges- S: Sea (King)
King Sal Gurges (Son of Lord Henry Gurges and Lady Sylvia Bronte(+))
Queen Gertrude(+) (Bronte)- (Daughter of Lord Kleigo Bronte(+) and Lady Katharyn Vella)

Twin sons and a girl:
Sol(boy of 16)
Slynt(boy of 16)
Gerona(girl of 13)

House Bronte- S: Thunder (Queen's family and her brother the head of King's Watch)
Lord Fragor (Son of Lord Kleigo Bronte(+) and Lady Katharyn Vella)
Lady Helene (Ferrarius)- (daughter of Lord Henry Ferrarius and Lady Genievive Expugnatio)

One son and one daughter:
No name: (age _)
No name: (age _)

House Expugnatio- S: Hurricane (the House lord commands the King's Sea Watch)
Lord Cataegis (son of Lord Callym Expugnatio and Lady Danylyn Jaculus)
Lady Joshia(+)(Gurges) (Daughter of Lord Havis Gurges and Lady Wylma Tyrell)
- 1 daughter
No name (age_)
present wife Lady Solenn (Gurges)(Daughter of Lord Henry Gurges and Lady Sylvia Bronte(+))

1 Son and 1 Daughter:
No name and age
no name and age

House Vella- S: Hay and Scythe (the House lord is in charge of farming, livestock, fishery and other means of food sources)
Lord Bowen (son of Lord Byrus Vella and Lady Pauleen Ferrarius)
Lady Wilhelmina (Jaculus)- (Daughter of Drelus Jaculus(+) and Lady Felissa Lannister(+))

1 daughter

House Ferrarius- S: Blacksmith's hammer (in charge of the Kingdom's armory and mining)
Lord Dwarth is single in the age of 24 and is looking for a wife

Army of Saevus- S: Fury of Arms
Lead by Black Knight Caligo Stream (Bastard son of Lord Henry Gurges and half brother to the King)

3. Plots that some of you have in mind that may be a great story to RP with.

Feel free to PM me.

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