Tuesday, May 29, 2012

HBT: Schilling's pretty nervy to say what he did

Curt Schilling has spent many years promoting conservative candidates and causes and styled himself a champion of private enterprise, limited spending and self-reliance. Good for him. Even if I don?t agree with his political views, I do not believe that anyone has a monopoly on wisdom and I respect those views as a legitimate alternative to the things I believe. Noble opposition if you will.

However, just as there are no?atheists?in foxholes, there are no conservatives when business is poor. ?And as for responsibility and self-reliance? Well, Curt Schilling is not a big fan of those things these days:

In his first public remarks on the company?s problems, Schilling told the newspaper for its Tuesday editions that public remarks by Gov. Lincoln Chafee that the state was trying to keep his company solvent were ?devastating.? He said that shortly after those remarks, a video-game publisher pulled out of a deal to finance a new game.

?The governor is not operating in the best interest of the company by any stretch, or the taxpayers, or the state,? Schilling told the newspaper. ?We?re trying to save this company and we?re working 24/7. The public commentary has been as big a piece of what?s happening to us as anything out there.?

Yes, it?s the government?s fault for daring to speak when you defaulted on your obligations, Schilling. Obligations you made in order to receive breaks and incentives from that same government. ?Don?t like the spotlight? Tough. As The Common Man wrote earlier today, you live by your fame and personal brand, you die by it too.

And either way: if you think taking handouts from the government is a bad idea, don?t take them. And if you do, don?t complain when the government gets somewhat antagonistic with you.

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