Thursday, March 22, 2012

Study to examine environmental factors, changes in SP | Health ...

The study design will include new genetic variations that have been associated with the risk of developing multiple sclerosis, as well as genes that determine the levels and responses to environmental factors. MS patients will be divided into two equal groups: a training group that will be used to identify gene-environment interactions, and a group that will be used to reproduce the result of the training group.Identification of gene-environment interactions is critical to the development of improved strategies to slow the progression of multiple sclerosis, because it might allow patients with pre-existing genetic risk factors to reduce the rate of progression of the disease by changing lifestyle, says Ramanathan .

The two-year project, led by Murali Ramanathan, Ph.D., tested the hypothesis that the metabolism of nicotine by-products of metabolism and increased levels of anti-Epstein-Barr virus , every interaction with variations in specific genes lead to increased neurodegeneration and an increase in lesions in MS patients.

Bianca Weinstock-Guttman, MD, Robert Zivadinov, MD, Ph.D., and Jun Qu, Ph.D., UB all are co-principal investigators. Dana Horakova, MD, Ph.D.D., are employees of the Charles University in Prague.

The research aims to identify gene-environment interactions between the key molecules in the way of vitamin D, anti-Epstein-Barr virus, smoking and the main genetic variants involved in the conversion of patients with a clinically isolated syndrome for the final MS.

Patients were stabilized on atorvastatin 10 mg / day for six weeks and then were randomized to treatment with ezetimibe 10 mg / day and atorvastatin 10 mg / day for 12 weeks or atorvastatin 20 mg / day for six weeks, followed by a fourfold of atorvastatin 40 mg / day for six weeks. Significantly more patients reached their lipid goal with ezetimibe and atorvastatin combination compared to monotherapy or quadruple with a double dose atorvastatin. For example, the %age of patients achieving their target LDL-C on the combination of ezetimibe / atorvastatin at 12 weeks was 60.5 percent versus 49.7 percent for patients on atorvastatin 20mg/40mg [Odds ratio 1.21, 1.98)].

Ramanathan is a professor of pharmaceutical sciences and neurology at the Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences and the Faculty of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, respectively.

A grant of $ 634 000 from the Department of Defense allows researchers to investigate the University of Buffalo, a trio of environmental factors and their influence on the progression.


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Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Road ahead rocky for Tunisia's newly liberated media

TUNIS (Reuters) - Islamists attacked Nessma television station in October for airing an Iranian animated film that depicted God, accusing it of stirring up trouble on the eve of Tunisia's first election since the uprising that ousted Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali.

Police detained the protesters, but also put Nessma's boss on trial. Among the charges: violating "sacred values".

In February, Nassredine Ben Saida, the publisher of a tabloid newspaper set up after the revolution, was jailed for eight days and fined after he plastered a picture of a German-Tunisian footballer and his naked girlfriend on the front page.

Tunisian journalists and secularists fear these and other incidents are signs the interim government wants to roll back gains in freedom of expression after the uprising.

What concerns many is that legal action has tended to focus on issues of public morality and ignore important issues such as the poor sourcing and libel that plague the profession. With the ban on criticism of the government only recently lifted, Tunisian journalists worry that they are tripping over new red lines.

The standoff between the media, dominated by secularists, and the government, now led by Islamist moderates Ennahda, reflects a broader struggle over identity in what has for decades been among the Arab world's most secular countries.

Sitting in the whitewashed villa that houses the journalists union, Nejiba Hamrouni said the new government still viewed the media with suspicion.

"What we see daily is not a return to censorship, but efforts to influence journalists and guide them towards a particular editorial line, particular figures, particular issues," said Hamrouni, elected to lead the union last year.


Secularists accuse Ennahda of pandering to conservatives who have become more assertive since the uprising.

In December, an Islamist preacher forced the new chief of Zaitouna radio, which mainly airs Koran recitals, out of her job. The preacher, Adel al-Ilmi, later won government approval to set up an NGO that seeks to promote Muslim values and would like to ban newspapers from publishing pictures of scantily-clad women.

Ilmi called it respect for religion. Securalists and journalists call it an attack on freedom of expression.

"The government is causing the problems, not us. They think anyone who criticizes them is an apostate," said Saida Zoghlali, who was taking part in an anti-government protest outside the interior ministry on February 25.

"Anyone who criticizes them gets attacked."

Zoghlali had been standing peacefully, holding up a placard, when police fired tear gas to disperse the demonstration, saying its allotted time was up. Several journalists covering the protesters who stayed were beaten and insulted by police.

The incident drew condemnation from both secularist groups and the journalists union. Though police violence against journalists has been rare since last year's revolt, that day's tactics were reminiscent of Ben Ali's Tunisia.

"The way the police insulted journalists and the brutality with which they dealt with some of them signals a clear return to the use of police violence against the media," Paris-based Reporters Without Borders said in a statement at the time.

"The only explanation for this behavior by the police was their fear of seeing photos and video of their... unjustified actions in the media. This renewed outbreak of tension between police and journalists is very worrying. Something must be done to defuse it, or else such scenes will recur."

The government denies that it is clamping down on freedom of the press.

In a news conference just two days before the incident, the head of Ennahda, Rachid Ghannouchi, faced a barrage of questions on such freedoms. He responded that it was the media that was running amok and helping to polarize the political debate.

"We want the media to be professional," he said. "No one wants public or private media to praise the government. We don't want to go from praise to praise. We want it to be objective."


Tunisian journalists say that, despite challenges, they have been among the biggest winners of the revolution.

More than 100 new print titles have appeared to serve a nation of just 10 million. Twelve new radio stations have opened and three new satellite channels are now on air.

Journalists no longer face intimidation, state censors have been sent home and a new generation has stepped into the fray.

In the bustling offices of Tunisia Live, an English-language online newspaper born in the throes of the uprising, groups of young journalists excitedly discuss the day's hottest stories.

The creative buzz as Tunisia Live's founders oversee the building of a television studio would have been unimaginable in the staid days of state control, when newspapers were packed with praise of Ben Ali and photographs of the first lady.

Conceived by Zied Mhirsi and Youssef Gaigi, both fluent English-speakers, as they helped the international media navigate Tunisia during the revolution, it highlights how far and how quickly young, educated Tunisians can go in only months.

"When the revolution began we were sensitive to the fact that no one was writing in English," said Mhirsi, whose team has now grown to 30. "We started with a very little blog, poor quality."

But the speed and scale of change has also left the media sector in a muddle. Sensationalism is rife, especially when it comes to the Islamist debate. Sourcing can be poor. Rumors spread fast.

For pioneering online media, including Tunisia Live, it has been a struggle to get recognized and to find funding.

On the other end of the spectrum, powerful political or business figures have opened newspapers aimed less at objective reporting than promoting their election campaigns or interests.

"There is definitely a vacuum. Everyone is trying to occupy as much space as they can," Mhirsi said.


A new media law drafted by an independent committee during the interim period in 2011 has been praised by legal and media experts. But journalists say it has yet to be implemented.

Press accreditations are no longer issued by the information ministry, shut down after the revolution, but the government has yet to set up the independent media authority the new law has stipulated should accredit journalists and oversee the sector.

The new law bans the arrest of journalists. But when Ben Saida was detained over the racy footballer photo on charges of offending public morals and taste, the public prosecutor ignored the media law.

He turned, instead, to Tunisia's penal code, which has yet to be rewritten and still allows for the arrest of journalists.

"We had been calling for the implementation of the new law but now we are also calling... for the cancellation of clauses in the penal code that infringe on freedom," said Hamrouni.

"Under Ben Ali, it was understandable. His was a dictatorial regime. But why would the new government, which is meant to be a revolutionary government, resort to the penal code?"

The trial against Nessma owner Nabil Karoui is still going on. In addition to violating sacred values, or blasphemy, Karoui is also charged with disturbing public order on grounds that airing the film around the time of the elections was provocative.

The Iranian film was advertised as the story of a revolution ruined by the rise of Islamists, an analogy that critics say was lost on no one in the charged atmosphere of post-revolutionary Tunisia. Journalists and secularists said the charges are no more than a crackdown on freedom of expression.

Diplomats say it will take time for a new media authority to be set up, for standards of journalism to rise and for confusion over the role of free expression in a democracy to clear.

"We are still learning democracy in Tunisia, not just as journalists, all Tunisians," said Hamrouni. "We are learning how to be democrats so we can accept opposing opinions and accept criticism in the media in its role as the Fourth Estate."

(Editing by Sonya Hepinstall)


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Monday, March 19, 2012

Options to Hold Title on Real Estate | Featured Properties

Don?t wait to the flurry of activity right before closing on your new home to decide how to hold title to the property you?re purchasing. After you have an accepted contract on a home, consult with an experienced real estate attorney to determine which option is best for you and anyone else you are buying the property with. Title is the legal document that gives you ownership or evidence that you own a specific piece of land. Here are some common types of ways to hold title. Check with an attorney on variables in holding title by state.

-Tenancy in common. When two or more persons own a piece of real estate. Each owns an undivided fractional interest.

-Joint tenancy. When a property is owned by at least two people, and all have the right of survivorship, until only one person is left and that person takes sole ownership. Rights of survivorship in some states have been terminated.

-Tenancy by the entirety. Created for married couples with full rights of survivorship. Each person has an undivided interest in the property. These tenancies can be terminated by death, divorce, legal judgment, or written agreement.

-Severalty. One person holds title to a property.

-Trusts. Ownership to real estate can be held in a trust. Control is transferred to a third-party for the benefit of the owner.

-Cooperatives. The corporation who holds title to the land and structure delivers owners or shareholders stock in the specific units. Consult state laws for further information on cooperatives.

-Ownership of real estate by businesses varies state by state, consult local laws for applicable information.

-Verify that your title has been properly recorded after it has been delivered and accepted by you.


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Rating Hair Loss Product Woman Daily Hair Loss

Posted on Mar 18th 2012. Tags: Rating, Hair, Loss, Product, Woman

Hair loss/thinning as a vegan?
To summarise my situation, I went vegan in early August last year. For the first few months I was the healthiest I have ever been. I felt great and started becoming more active, then made the decision to lose a bit of weight in October (something I had wanted to do for a long time, but struggled with when I was still being tempted by dairy chocolates and greasy chicken). I got a bit carried away to say the least and ended up at a BMI of 17 earlier this year. While I was at that low weight, my hair started thinning. I attributed it to me being underweight and not eating enough, but while I was getting back to a healthy weight and eating much more, including much more protein than I had been eating, the hair thinning has only slowed and not stopped. There is still substantial hair loss whenever I wash my hair (it has nothing to do with the products I use, I've been using the same products in my hair since August). It's not too noticeable yet but obviously I don't want to let my hair keep falling out, because at this rate it will be quite noticeable within the next few months or even weeks. Anyway, I am going to ask my doctor about it next time I see her, which will be in two or three weeks time, but for now, does anyone know what could be the problem here? I eat quite a bit of protein, sometimes over 60g in a day but usually somewhere between 30 and 50g. I take a women's daily multivitamin as well a vitamin d supplement prescribed by my doctor. I've tried Googling this but every article I read talks about protein when I really don't think that's my problem! (as stated, I get enough protein!) Could it be a sort of delayed effect from the emotional and physical stress I was going through in January/February with being underweight? And if so, if I keep eating healthily will the hair loss stop? Btw, I'm still vegan and plan to stay that way :)

Apparently hair loss is quite common among vegan females. I'll add the VeganHealth link to "Hair Loss". It has some interesting stuff. From the link: "The amino acid L-lysine plays a part in the absorption of iron and zinc. Among plant foods, L-lysine is only found in high amounts in legumes, and a vegan who doesn't eat many legumes could find themselves falling short on lysine. In some women, iron supplementation does not lead to an increase in iron stores. But in one study, adding L-lysine (at 1.5 - 2 g/day for 6 months) to iron supplementation in such women did increase iron stores and decreased hair loss by one half." More:

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Some of the minerals and vitamins associated with healthy hair include Vitamin B-12, Vitamin E, Panthonenic Acid, Niacin, Chlorophyll, and Biotin. These compounds work together to promote healthygrowth, improved thickness and increased strength. Research and consumer experience has shown pre-mature thinning and loss are often the symptom of lowered levels of vital nutrients. Hair vitamins are specifically formulated to provide daily nutritional needs for healthy growth, increased thickness, and improved strength. Hair basically consists of filaments of protein that grow from pores in the skin known as follicles. The key component of the fiber is a protein known as Keratin. Hair grows when keratin is deposited at the end of the hair inside the root, pushing it out further (like a growing plant), making hair strands longer. Vitamins, Amino Acidsand Mineralsfor Hair Growth The best vitamins for hair loss help control thinning, reduce breakage, and add volume. The side effects are increased shine and smoothness - and, uh, healthier nails and skin, too. The best way to treat such vitamin and mineral deficiencies is by simply putting them back in your body. While this may sound like a daunting task, thanks to the sheer complexity of the system that regulates these compounds, health companies have made things easy for you. Hair stops growing when there is no longer any build-up of keratin within the follicles. Certain factors sometimes cause the hair to come loose and fall from the follicle. Some of the factors that accelerate hair loss include a less than healthy lifestyle, over use of harsh hair styling products and constant exposure of the scalp to sunlight. Understanding what are the best vitamins for hair loss gets you one step closer towards reducing thinning and improving overall scalp and hair health. Ingredients Key to Improved Health One of the most common causes of hair loss is a lack of minerals, amino acids and vitamins. Vitamins and minerals are essential for the continued healthy growth, and adeficiencycan lead to poor health,loss, and even pre-mature graying. Many supplements (Hair Vitamins) arespecially formulatedwith active ingredients to help stop hair loss. Vitamins for Hair Loss, for example, often include B-group vitamins that are excellent at stopping shedding. Supplements that also include zinc and magnesium and essential amino acids vital for the formation of proteins, increasing shine, and improving strength - reducing breaking and split-ends.

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Sunday, March 18, 2012

Gasoline lifts inflation, dents confidence

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Consumer prices rose the most in 10 months in February as the cost of gasoline spiked, but there was little sign that underlying inflation pressures were building up.

Surging gasoline prices put a small dent in consumer confidence early this month, other data showed on Friday. Still, Americans do not believe the sharp run-up in prices will last.

The Labor Department said the Consumer Price Index rose 0.4 percent in February after advancing 0.2 percent in January. Gasoline accounted for more than 80 percent of the rise.

Stripping out volatile food and energy costs, the so-called core CPI edged up just 0.1 percent.

"Consumer purchasing power, at least for the next few months, is going to remain pressured by rising gasoline prices," said Sam Bullard, a senior economist at Well Fargo Securities in Charlotte, North Carolina. However, he said a trend toward lower inflation was still in place.

Consumer prices rose 2.9 percent last month from a year-ago, unchanged from January but down from a peak of 3.9 percent in September. The core index was up 2.2 percent over the 12 months through February, slowing from 2.3 percent in January.

The Federal Reserve said on Tuesday the recent spike in energy costs would likely lift inflation only temporarily. Over a longer horizon, it said inflation was poised to run at or below its 2 percent target.

Graphic - consumer prices:

Graphic - core CPI:

Graphic - industrial output:

Graphic - consumer sentiment:



Gasoline prices have increased 53 cents since the start of the year to an average of $3.88 a gallon in the week to Monday.

That helped pull the Thomson Reuters/University of Michigan index on consumer sentiment down to 74.3 early this month from 75.3 in February.

Consumer expectations for inflation one year ahead jumped to 4 percent from 3.3 percent, but the five-year reading rose only slightly to 3 percent, and the survey's director said Americans do not expect the steep climb in gasoline costs to last.

"Overall, the data indicate that $4 gasoline has lost its shock value, although the drain on discretionary income will still affect spending, mostly among lower-income households," survey director Richard Curtin said.

Inflation expectations among investors, as signaled by spreads in the bond market, have also been on the rise, supported by a stream of relatively upbeat economic data. Inflation expectations, however, as measured in the U.S. Treasuries debt market, fell back a bit after the CPI report.

Tensions over Iran's nuclear program have kept alive fears of oil supply disruptions and have pushed prices higher.

With gasoline weighing on the economy's recovery, President Barack Obama, who faces re-election in November, has been considering tapping strategic oil stocks to ease the price pressure.

Other data on Friday showed the economy continues to expand moderately. Production at the nation's mines, factories and utilities held steady last month after a 0.4 percent gain in January, the Federal Reserve said.

Manufacturing output rose 0.3 percent, even as automakers cut production by 1.1 percent after two big monthly gains. Carmakers had raised production to meet pent-up demand for popular models in short supply.

"While higher energy prices and the euro zone recession are headwinds for manufacturers, an expanding U.S. economy, propelled by strengthening job market gains, should keep factory activity strong this year," said Paul Edelstein, an economist at IHS Global Insight in Lexington, Massachusetts.


On Wall Street, the Standard & Poor's 500 index <.spx> edged up to wrap up its best week in three months. It gained 2.4 percent for the week as it topped 1,400 to reach its highest level since May 2008.

U.S. Treasury debt prices fell for an eighth straight day, with benchmark yields touching four-month highs. The dollar weakened broadly.

The CPI report showed gasoline prices soared 6 percent last month, the largest increase since December 2010. They had risen 0.9 percent in January. While the strengthening jobs market is providing some cushion against rising gas prices at the pump, salaries are not keeping up.

Average weekly earnings, adjusted for inflation, fell 0.3 percent last month after slipping 0.1 percent in January, the Labor Department said. Compared with February last year, weekly earnings were down 0.4 percent.

But there was some price relief for households. Food costs held steady in February, marking the first time in 1-1/2 years they did not risen, and apparel prices dropped by the most since July 2006.

There were also declines in the prices of tobacco, airline tickets and used cars and trucks. Recreation costs also fell. But new motor vehicle prices recorded their first increase in nine months, reflecting rising domestic demand for autos.

A measure of the amount homeowners would pay to rent or would earn from renting their property - one of the largest single components of the CPI - rose at the slowest pace since April. Rents have risen as Americans have moved away from ownership in the face of persistent declines in house prices.

"The downward trajectory for consumer price inflation remains largely intact," said Millan Mulraine, a senior macro strategist at TD Securities in New York.

(Additional reporting by Mark Felsenthal and Leah Schnurr; Editing by Neil Stempleman and Leslie Adler)


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Saturday, March 17, 2012

Asia stock markets down amid profit-taking

BANGKOK (AP) ? Asian stock markets were mostly lower Friday as traders took profits following strong gains in Japan while Chinese shares recouped lost ground.

Japan's Nikkei 225 index was slightly lower at 10,116.32 as traders took profits following a week of sharp gains that were largely due to the yen's retreat from record highs against the dollar.

Hong Kong's Hang Seng fell 0.1 percent to 21,328.02 and South Korea's Kospi dropped 0.2 percent to 2,038.96. Australia's S&P/ASX 200 was down 0.1 percent at 4,273.70. Mainland Chinese shares rose.

Investors also were pausing to evaluate the latest economic news out of the U.S. showing fewer claims for unemployment and an improvement in manufacturing.

The U.S. government said applications for unemployment benefits fell last week to 351,000 ? matching a four-year low. That's a sign that the job market is improving.

In addition, manufacturing activity in New York rose to a 21-month high and in Philadelphia to a nearly one-year high, the Federal Reserve said Thursday.

"It takes time for investors to further gauge the US economic prospect before markets get excited again. Trading in Asia is likely to be in ranges today without much direction," analysts at Credit Agricole CIB in Hong Kong said in an email.

Benchmark oil for April delivery was up 42 cents to $105.53 in electronic trading on the New York Mercantile Exchange. The contract fell 32 cents to settle at $105.11 per barrel in New York on Thursday.

The euro fell to $1.3086 from $1.3097 late Thursday in New York. The dollar was unchanged at 83.38 yen. It rose to as high as 84.175 yen overnight Thursday, its highest point against the yen since April 13.


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Cops: Boy, 13, locked in bathroom for weeks

By staff

A Florida couple were arrested on Thursday on charges that they caged the man?s 13-year-old son in a closet and kept him locked in a bathroom for weeks at a time.

Michael Marshal and Sharon Glass each face three counts of aggravated child abuse and aggravated child neglect, according to The two were described as boyfriend-girlfriend.

Police in Titusville, located in Brevard County about 40 miles east of Orlando, told the website that the officers went to the home Wednesday evening after receiving a report of child abuse. The boy, weighing 40 pounds,?was found locked in the bathroom.

His appearance was described by hospital staff as resembling images of concentration camp survivors, the Orlando Sentinel reported.

Marshal and Glass were being held without bond pending a first appearance Friday afternoon, according to The Associated Press. It was not immediately known if they have an attorney.

Child welfare officials are investigating, the AP reported. Other children at the home, ages 5 and 10, ?were removed and being seen by doctors, according to the Orlando Sentinel.

"No doubt that the younger two have been subjected to mental abuse," Carrie Hoeppner, spokeswoman for the Florida Department of Children and Families, told the newspaper. "All three siblings were victims."

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Friday, March 16, 2012

Reprogramming in Self Identity of Self - | Team Alpine

Posted by tom44 on Mar 16, 2012 in Self Improvement | Comments Off

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Reprogramming in Self Identity of Self
Self and Society

Reprogramming the feelings assists you with discovering self-identity thru a self-development procedure. You begin to see the roles that society and others play in your lifestyles. a few of the very highest practices to reprogram the thoughts are repetitive learning, which allows you to use affirmatives to reduce negative pondering and behaviors. You can make stronger a positive thoughts.

The key to finding self is practising relaxation. You will understand any difference in self every day you follow. Your patients will expand, which makes day by day functioning easier. Your friends and circle of relatives will probably notice the changes before you will, but in time you will see the new you. Yoga is another nice way to reprogram the thoughts.

Each day we go thru stress, which blinds us from discovering who we are. Yoga is helping by allowing us to reprogram the mind, subsequently focusing more. as a end result of we make many errors that incessantly push us towards resentment, anger, hate, et cetera the thoughts builds up residue, which we feel trapped.

This can completely hinder us in the procedure of self-development. We will have to free the thoughts by reprogramming it so that we can purge into sure thinking that leads us to self-discovery. practising yoga daily is a nice way to maneuver thru this process. Yoga has proven to assist one with prosperity and growth of self.

Self-discovery helps us to strengthen strength of mind. thru self-inductance, we abandon self-destructive patterns and actions, which result in harm to self. Some of these harmful behaviors are self-willful that lead to unintended consequences or else it are because of physiological causes.

By developing self-control, we have the capability to take care of our actions, emotions and desires. We transfer to self-governing, which enables us to exercise powers without regimen involvement of society or different outside authorities.

Through this process actions us to the self-healing stage. Yoga is a great practice, since it backs the perennial prostate herb notion of self-healing. This is from the mint family. Therefore, you may need to add some herbs into your yoga exercises. The self-healing practices will assist with therapeutic heartsease.

Throughout the process of self-healing, one moves closer to self. We develop energy of mind through yoga practices, which guides us to self-identity. Self-discipline encourages us to stay up regular routines that lead us to discovery. We all want refinement. This comes from observe. observe will make us proficient.

Society comes into mind. To determine self, we should realize that a individual? s confidence is not truly established by external factors. We determine confidence by reflecting on our actions, attitude and finding out from our mistakes. This provides us motivation and convictions that establish our beliefs.

Our willpower plays a part in building confidence for self-discovery. Yoga works effortlessly to assist us with establishing what we need to identify self. Yoga will teach us to adjust to various circumstances. It empowers us to abandon disillusionments that lead us off course. Once self-discovery through self-healing starts to develop, we manage through difficult and frustrating movements easier. This gives us willpower.

We all face many disappointments in existence that throw us off course. By practicing yoga for reprogramming the mind however, we can enhance toward a brighter future. We have the capacity to advance and take keep an eye on of our life despite that society and many others try to take this keep an eye on.

Thus, we must reprogram the mind to have the capability to deal with each situation we encounter. Coping skills from self-control will help a person to attain his goal to uncover self. observe the art of yoga often to enhance the mind and body and move towards a brighter future.

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Thursday, March 15, 2012

Mississippians Should Evaluate Policies During Flood Safety ...

As little as one inch of water flowing into a 1,000 square foot home during a storm or from a rising river can amount to a loss in excess of $10,000 that is not covered by a basic homeowners policy. During National Flood Safety Awareness Week, March 12-16, Commissioner of Insurance Mike Chaney encourages all Mississippians to evaluate their need for a flood insurance policy and take time to prepare for a loss by making a home inventory.

?Making sure you are covered by a flood policy if you live in a flood zone is a statewide concern as we learned in last year?s flooding of the Mississippi River,? Chaney said.? ?And it is an ideal time for coastal residents to check their policies just months before the start of another hurricane season.?

The National Flood Insurance Program offers flood insurance policies for homeowners or renters in communities that participate in the federal program. There is a 30 day waiting period after the purchase of a flood insurance policy before the coverage kicks in, so take that into consideration when determining if and when to purchase coverage.

A National Association of Insurance Commissioner?s national survey found a significant lack of preparedness among consumers in documenting their belongings. A home inventory is important for a number of reasons. It can help you determine the types and level of coverage you need before disaster strikes. And after a major loss, the home inventory can assist you in filing a claim.

There are several simple ways to start building a home inventory. A home inventory spreadsheet can be downloaded from the Mississippi Insurance Department website that will help get you started. If you are using an electronic or paper spreadsheet, remember to take pictures of your belongings, and save them in the same place as the home inventory.

The NAIC also offers a free myHOME app for iPhone or Android smart phones. The app guides you through capturing images, descriptions, bar codes and serial numbers, and then storing them electronically for safekeeping. The app even creates a back-up file for email sharing.

For additional information on disaster preparedness or flood insurance visit the MID website at or follow the department on Twitter @MSInsuranceDept.


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Monday, March 12, 2012

Protest leaders weigh new tactics as anti-Putin rallies shrink

Thousands of Muscovites demonstrated against Vladimir Putin's disputed election victory?on a downtown square Saturday, indicating that the protest movement born after allegedly fraudulent Duma elections three months ago is far from finished.?

But crowds were much smaller than in the past, reflecting demoralization with Putin's huge win?and growing divisions within the opposition over the way forward now that Mr. Putin seems definitely headed for another six-year term as Russia's president.?

Police put the size of the crowd on Moscow's central Novy Arbat, a broad avenue lined with 1960s-era skyscrapers, at about 10,000. Organizers claimed twice that many, but it clearly could not match the 100,000-plus who turned out in February to demand fair elections, a more democratic political system and for Putin to rethink his plans to return for a third time.?

It was also hard to ignore that recent pro-Putin crowds in Moscow, mobilized by a worried Kremlin to create a counterbalance to the protesters, have been much larger as well.?

Protest leaders had different takes on the situation Saturday. Some, such as radical leftist Sergei Udaltsov?after the rally ended; he and about 60 others were quickly surrounded and arrested by phalanxes of armored riot police.?

Others cautioned that the movement needs time to adjust to the new circumstances, write a real political program and forge some unity among its disparate and fractious leaders.?

"Now what the two sides, authorities and opposition, have to do it to calm down and control themselves," says Nikolai Svanidze, a famous Russian TV news show host who's become one of the leaders of the protest movement. "It's understandable that after the elections, the authorities feel euphoric and the opposition feels disillusioned. We need to look for new forms of protest, positive and fresh ideas, and new ways to express them. The trouble is, the opposition has no recognized leader, no organizational structure. Our unity here on the square is real enough, but so are the differences between the various opposition forces. There is time, and these problems need to be confronted."?

RELATED: Take our quiz about Russia.

Ilya Yashin, a leader of the Solidarnost anti-Kremlin coalition, says that Russian society has changed, and there is now a growing middle class that's dissatisfied with the neo-Soviet political system and the corruption that it breeds in officialdom. That segment of society, concentrated in key cities like Moscow and St. Petersburg, are not going to remain silent for long, he says.?

"Imagine that you are running a marathon. At some times you will run faster and in other periods you will run more slowly. This is our protest movement," Mr. Yashin says. "Our president has lost the confidence of a considerable part of the society. It means that he is not legitimate in the eyes of this part of the society, and presidents who lack legitimacy do not stay long in power. Putin will either have to become a dictator or work with us to transform Russia's political system into a democratic regime. What kind of process it will be depends on us, and we should strive to keep it civilized and peaceful."?

But some say the protest movement has run out of steam, at least for now, and it's time to accept the facts and move on.?

"As a reasonable person, what should I do?" says Ksenia Sobchak, a leading Russian TV personality, whose MTV talk show was canceled last month?after she invited opposition personalities to appear on the air. "I want to work, to help young people raise their social level, to do something real. One can't go to meetings of protest for ever. Should we protest against the falsification of elections for the next 6 years in the hope that authorities will cancel the results? What's the use?"?

Ms. Sobchak's exhaustion was mirrored by many others, who argued that the opposition needs to develop a new strategy for the long haul, recognizing that Putin was elected -- regardless of all the flaws of the political system -- by a majority of voters and seeking to use the new atmosphere introduced by the protest movement to force open greater discussion in parliament, the media and the public square.?

"Rallies like this can't solve all problems, people need to change themselves inside," says Alexander Gavrikov, a Moscow schoolteacher. "The authorities and society are two sides of the same coin. We have leaders, and we're used to following them. At least oil prices (Russia's main export) are still high, so the economy will be OK for the foreseeable future. How bad can it get?"?


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Saturday, March 10, 2012

Simple Home Improvement Project Schemes for Security and ...

Evidently, half the conflict that occurs when getting a home improvement task started only involves a few things. First of all, such a high number of individuals have very active lifestyles and only daydream about the things they wish to do. Then there is the question of finances and perhaps expertise. Most of us have to make decisions about what we can do, are willing to learn and attempt, and then finally if a contractor should be called. All of those questions are very regular and realistic, as they cross the minds of many people. Although, we support you in becoming proficient with as much as you can. Additionally, when it comes to home improvements, you probably don?t recognize how many qualifications you already possess.

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Friday, March 9, 2012

Video: New view of endangered species

>>> finally tonight, saving the animals. some of the most unusual and spectacular species on earth. our chief environmental affairs correspondent anne thompson has the story of a man using his unique eye to help all creatures great and small and show the rest of us what's at stake here.

>> reporter: joel satori is a modern-day noah, building a portfolio instead of an ark to preserve the world's animals, sometimes two by two.

>> this is my attempt at getting people to understand that these things have value and we shouldn't be throwing away -- we are throwing away the ark.

>> reporter: satori calls his efforts the biodiversity project. half the world 's plants and animals , he says, could be gone by the next century.

>> we're right on the cliff right now. and if we don't change our ways, we're going to go right now.

>> reporter: satori spent most of his career in the wild for " national geographic ." but now he's going to american zoos and aquariums.

>> good morning.

>> reporter: including the children's zoo in his hometown, lincoln, nebraska.

>> i hope that they see these animals on black and white backgrounds and they look them in the eye and they realize that all creatures have a right to exist.

>> reporter: like the african dwarf crocodile , made vulnerable by hunting and habitat loss .

>> wow.

>> does that look good?

>> oh, that's great.

>> reporter: breeding in zoos helps the golden lion tamarind fend off extinction. and here the camera.

>> how much stress does this put on the animals?

>> minimal. we work with the keepers ahead of time.

>> reporter: every shoot is meticulously planned, hoping to catch the unexpected. a perfect moment in a cyclone of chaos.

>> so how do you get a perpetual motion machine like a ring-tail lemur to stop long enough to take a photograph? you just offer him a little food.

>> reporter: he sells his photographs to fund the project, working to create a connection between the animals and the people who can help protect them.

>> when you learn about something and you respect it and you really want it to stay around, you work hard for it.

>> this is where my heart is and this is what i want to do.

>> reporter: hoping if a picture is worth 1,000 words his photos can protect 6,000 species. anne thompson , nbc news, lincoln, nebraska.


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Thursday, March 8, 2012

Gingrich campaign doubles down on South

ATLANTA (AP) ? Newt Gingrich's poor showing in every Super Tuesday state except Georgia gives him an increasingly narrow path to win the nomination, one that now depends on the South.

The Gingrich campaign on Wednesday canceled plans to visit Kansas, instead zeroing in on Mississippi and Alabama, which hold primaries next week. The campaign is also looking ahead to Louisiana later this month and Texas after that, putting everything on the line in the South.

"Everything between Spartanburg (S.C.), all the way to Texas. Those all need to go for Gingrich," said campaign spokesman R.C. Hammond.

The fallout from Super Tuesday left Gingrich with little choice. Aside from the unsurprising victory in Georgia, which he represented in Congress for 20 years, he had little to cheer about.

He finished far behind Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum in the other nine states and trailed Ron Paul for fourth place in five of the races. Santorum's victories in Tennessee and Oklahoma ? two states with GOP voters similar to Georgia's ? raised doubts about Gingrich's appeal to Southern conservatives.

Santorum's campaign was quick to capitalize on his victories Tuesday night.

"And here we are in Oklahoma and Tennessee that we won fairly big. So I think we're going to do really well in the South," said Hogan Gidley, a Santorum spokesman. "Rick's values match up well with the South. His message matches up well in the South."

In Georgia, exit polls showed strong support from evangelical voters and tea party conservatives helped fuel Gingrich's victory. About 7 in 10 Georgia voters identified themselves as conservative, according to the data, and 50 percent of them voted for Gingrich. That's a contrast from exit polls in Oklahoma and Tennessee that showed Christian conservatives heavily favored Santorum.

The way these groups vote will determine the fate of the contests next week in Alabama and Mississippi.

"Santorum presents a direct challenge to the electoral coalition Gingrich put together in Georgia," said Merle Black, an Emory University political scientist. "If Santorum wins either of these states, he destroys the rationale for Gingrich's candidacy."

If Santorum were to eke out a victory in either state, the cries for Gingrich to drop out of the race would only grow louder.

"It's almost like Newt Gingrich losing Georgia. It's a death knell," Joel McElhannon, a Republican strategist in Georgia who isn't aligned with any campaign, said of the prospect of Gingrich failing to win in the two Southern states. "There's no legitimate argument for him to stay in. That doesn't mean he won't stay in. He's Newt Gingrich."

Even a poor showing next week may not force Gingrich out of the race. Much could depend on whether billionaire casino mogul Sheldon Adelson, who has contributed millions to a political action committee backing Gingrich, writes yet another check.

In a radio interview Wednesday, Gingrich dismissed the idea of dropping out to help Santorum defeat Romney. "If I thought he was a slam dunk to beat Romney and to beat Obama, I would really consider getting out. I don't," he said.

At a stop Wednesday in Montgomery, Ala., Gingrich eagerly brought up his victory next door as he sought to remind voters of his frequent visits to Alabama during his two decades in Congress.

"Newt's in pretty good shape in Alabama. He really connects with people in Alabama because he's a Southerner and he talks our lingo, and because he's fearless about saying what he thinks," said Jack Campbell, a GOP political consultant in Montgomery who isn't aligned with any campaign. "People like that he's a breath of fresh air. You never know with some of the other candidates."

Gingrich's message resonated with some voters. Tim Adamson, a 55-year-old retired Alabama corrections officer, said he didn't believe a "media-anointed front-runner" would win the election and said Gingrich had more appeal in the South than Romney and other rivals.

"We're a lot more conservative down here," Adamson said.

The irony that the thrice-married Gingrich's political fate hinges on deeply conservative Southern supporters isn't lost on the voters. Yet some have grown tired of hearing about the candidate's two divorces and acknowledged marital infidelity.

"I know he has a past," said Tammara Butler, who cast her ballot for Gingrich in the Georgia primary. "But who amongst us doesn't?"


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Associated Press writers Andy Brownfield in Montgomery, Ala.; Steve Peoples in Steubenville, Ohio; and Russ Bynum in Savannah, Ga., contributed to this report.


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